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OpenKh Tool Documentation - KH2 Mods Manager

This document will focus on teaching you how to create mods using the OpenKH Mods Manager

Creating a mod

A well produced mod should contain the following

The mod.yml file is a YAML format specification for your mod. It will contain the following fields

While you are developing a mod you can create a folder inside the “mods” directory of the mods manager release, IE

<modsmanager release>/mods/<authorname>/<modname>

Asset Methods

Asset Example:

- method: copy
  name: msn/jp/
  - name: files/

Asset Example

- method: binarc
  name: ard/wi03.ard
  - method: spawnpoint
    name: b_40
    - name: files/b_40.yml
    type: AreaDataSpawn

Binarc Methods

Asset Example

- method: binarc
  name: msn/jp/
  - method: copy
    name: ms_b
    - name: he_c.bdx
    type: Bdx

Asset Example

  - name: menu/us/title.2ld
      - name: menu/jp/title.2ld
    required: true
    method: binarc
      - name: titl
        type: imgd
        method: imgd
          - name: title/title1.png
            highdef: title/title1_hd.png

Asset Example

  - name: menu/us/title.2ld
      - name: menu/jp/title.2ld
      - name: menu/uk/title.2ld
      - name: menu/it/title.2ld
      - name: menu/sp/title.2ld
      - name: menu/gr/title.2ld
      - name: menu/fr/title.2ld
      - name: menu/fm/title.2ld
    required: true
    method: binarc
      - name: titl
        type: imgz
        method: imgz
          - name: title/title1.png
            highdef: title/title1_hd.png
            index: 1

Asset Example

  - name: msg/jp/
    method: binarc
      - name: sys
        type: list
        method: kh2msg
          - name: sys.yml
            language: jp

Yaml Source Example

- id: 0x432e
  en: OpenKH is awesome!
  it: OpenKH è incredibile!
  sp: ¡OpenKH es increíble!
  gr: OpenKH ist großartig!
  fr: OpenKH est incroyable!
  jp: OPENKHすばらしい!

Asset Example

- method: binarc
  name: ard/hb34.ard
  - method: areadatascript
    name: evt
    - name: files/hb34/program-87
    - name: files/hb34/program-7c
    - name: files/hb34/program-7d
    - name: files/hb34/program-86
    type: AreaDataScript

Text Source Example

Program 0x7C
Bgm Default Default
AreaSettings 0 -1
	SetJump Type 2 World HB Area 0 Entrance 0 LocalSet 151 FadeType 1
	SetPartyMenu 0

Asset Example

- method: binarc
  name: ard/wi03.ard
  - method: spawnpoint
    name: b_40
    - name: files/b_40.yml
    type: AreaDataSpawn

Asset Example

- name: 00battle.bin
  method: binarc
  - name: fmlv
    method: listpatch
    type: List
      - name: FmlvList.yml
        type: fmlv

trsr Source Example

  ItemId: 347

cmd Source Example

- Id: 1
  Execute: 3
  Argument: 3
  SubMenu: 1
  CmdIcon: 3
  MessageId: 33249
  Flags: Cursor, InBattleOnly
  Range: -1
  Dir: 0
  DirRange: -1
  Cost: 0
  CmdCamera: 0
  Priority: 100
  CmdReceiver: 0
  Time: 0
  Require: 0
  Mark: 1
  CmdAction: 0
  ReactionCount: 0
  DistRange: 0
  Score: 0
  DisableForm: 63552
  Group: 2
  Reserve: 0

item Source Example

- Ability: 412
  AbilityPoints: 0
  Attack: 0
  DarkResistance: 100
  Defense: 0
  FireResistance: 100
  GeneralResistance: 100
  IceResistance: 100
  Id: 116
  LightningResistance: 100
  Magic: 7
  Unknown: 0
  Unknown08: 100
  Unknown0d: 100
- Id: 1
  Type: Consumable
  Flag0: 0
  Flag1: 40
  Rank: C
  StatEntry: 1
  Name: 33528
  Description: 33529
  ShopBuy: 40
  ShopSell: 10
  Command: 23
  Slot: 0
  Picture: 1
  Icon1: 9
  Icon2: 0

sklt Source Example

- CharacterId: 1
  Bone1: 178
  Bone2: 86

enmp Source Example

- Id: 0
  Level: 1
  - 1
  - 1
  - 1
  - 1
  - 1
  - 1
  - 1
  MaxDamage: 1
  MinDamage: 1
  PhysicalWeakness: 1
  FireWeakness: 1
  IceWeakness: 1
  ThunderWeakness: 1
  DarkWeakness: 1
  LightWeakness: 1
  GeneralWeakness: 1
  Experience: 1
  Prize: 1
  BonusLevel: 1  

fmlv Source Example

- Ability: 578
  Experience: 12
  FormId: 5
  FormLevel: 1
  GrowthAbilityLevel: 1

lvup Source Example

    Ap: 0
    Character: Sora
    Defense: 0
    Exp: 100
    Level: 2
    Magic: 0
    Padding: 0
    ShieldAbility: 577
    StaffAbility: 577
    Strength: 0
    SwordAbility: 577

bons Source Example

    AccessorySlotUpgrade: 0
    ArmorSlotUpgrade: 0
    BonusItem1: 99
    BonusItem2: 0
    CharacterId: 1
    Description: ''
    DriveGaugeUpgrade: 0
    HpIncrease: 0
    ItemSlotUpgrade: 0
    MpIncrease: 0
    RewardId: 2
    Unknown0c: 0

atkp Source Example

- Id: 0 #Hitbox 0
  SubId: 3
  Type: 1
  CriticalAdjust: 0
  Power: 25
  Team: 0
  Element: 0
  EnemyReaction: 0
  EffectOnHit: 2
  KnockbackStrength1: 32767
  KnockbackStrength2: 0
  Unknown: 0000
  Flags: BGHit, LimitPAX, Land, CapturePAX, ThankYou, KillBoss #Every possible AttackFlag shown
  RefactSelf: 0
  RefactOther: 0
  ReflectedMotion: 0
  ReflectHitBack: 0
  ReflectAction: 0
  ReflectHitSound: 0
  ReflectRC: 0
  ReflectRange: 0
  ReflectAngle: 0
  DamageEffect: 0
  Switch: 1
  Interval: 1
  FloorCheck: 1
  DriveDrain: 1
  RevengeDamage: 1
  AttackTrReaction: 1
  ComboGroup: 1
  RandomEffect: 1
  Kind: ComboFinisher
  HpDrain: 15

przt Source Example

- Id: 1
  SmallHpOrbs: 0
  BigHpOrbs: 1
  BigMoneyOrbs: 1
  MediumMoneyOrbs: 1
  SmallMoneyOrbs: 1
  SmallMpOrbs: 1
  BigMpOrbs: 1
  SmallDriveOrbs: 0
  BigDriveOrbs: 1
  Item1: 1
  Item1Percentage: 1
  Item2: 0
  Item2Percentage: 0
  Item3: 0
  Item3Percentage: 0

magc Source Example

- Id: 0 
  Level: 3
  World: 1
  FileName: magic/FIRE_3.mag
  Item: 21
  Command: 120
  GroundMotion: 56
  GroundBlend: 2
  FinishMotion: 57
  FinishBlend: 2
  AirMotion: 58
  AirBlend: 2
  Voice: 7
  VoiceFinisher: 11
  VoiceSelf: -1

objentry Source Example

  ObjectId: 4
  ObjectType: ZAKO
  SubType: 0
  DrawPriority: 0
  WeaponJoint: 0
  ModelName: M_EX520
  AnimationName: M_EX520.mset
  Flag: 8
  TargetType: 1
  Padding: 0
  NeoStatus: 1006
  NeoMoveset: 0
  Weight: 100
  SpawnLimiter: 8
  Page: 1
  ShadowSize: 1
  CommandMenuOption: Default
  SpawnObject1: 0
  SpawnObject2: 0
  SpawnObject3: 0
  SpawnObject4: 0

An example of a fully complete mod.yml can be seen below, and the full source of the mod can be seen here

title: OpenKH mod template
originalAuthor: OpenKH open-source assets
description: An example of mod to use as a template
  - name: menu/us/title.2ld
      - name: menu/jp/title.2ld
      - name: menu/uk/title.2ld
      - name: menu/it/title.2ld
      - name: menu/sp/title.2ld
      - name: menu/gr/title.2ld
      - name: menu/fr/title.2ld
      - name: menu/fm/title.2ld
    required: true
    method: binarc
      - name: titl
        type: imgz
        method: imgz
          - name: title/title1.png
            highdef: title/title1_hd.png
            index: 1
  - name: msg/jp/
    method: binarc
      - name: sys
        type: list
        method: kh2msg
          - name: sys.yml
            language: jp
  - name: msg/us/
    method: binarc
      - name: sys
        type: list
        method: kh2msg
          - name: sys.yml
            language: en
  - name: msg/it/
    method: binarc
      - name: sys
        type: list
        method: kh2msg
          - name: sys.yml
            language: it

Publishing a mod

Mods should be published to a public github repository, so that users an install the mod just by providing the repository name.

It is recommended to apply the following tags to the repository, in order to make it easily found by searching GitHub for mods manager mods.


<your games abbreviation> (ie kh2 or bbs)