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OpenKh Tool Documentation - KH2 Mods Manager

This document will focus on teaching you how to create mods using the OpenKH Mod Manager.

Table of Contents

Creating a Mod for Use With OpenKH

A well produced mod should contain the following

The mod.yml file is a YAML format specification for your mod. It will contain the following fields:

While you are developing a mod you can create a folder inside the mods directory of the mod manager release. I.e.:


Asset Types

The truth of the matter is there are seemingly innumerable “asset types” in these games. Each game has several that are exclusive to itself, with little to none shared between any two or more. Some (but not all!) examples of the types of assets you may work with as a mod author are as follows:

However, there is a point to knowing the many asset types the games have on offer. With enough know-how, custom events can be made, called, and integrated into their respective games. Not all of the formats above are from any one single game either; some are shared, some are specific to only one game. Some formats are not even the same between two games, despite having the same file extension. I’m looking at you, .arc, .ard, and .pmo.

There are many tools at your disposal to edit a vast array of these formats, thanks to the large contributions over the years to the OpenKH project. We’re far from finished yet, though, and would love more help looking into formats and making even more tools!

Additionally, the type of format you are working with will work better with certain asset methods as shown below. Many of the games’ files are just archive formats with many other files inside. For example, KH2’s title.2ld UI layout file for the title screen is an archive that contains a .imz, which is another archive with multiple images inside. It also contains layout data (primarily called sequence data in KH2) in the form of .seqd files, which help manage the intro logos and title screen assets contained within the aforementioned .imz image archive.

In that example, if you were to simply replace one image of the title screen, you would only need to look as far as one of the several images within, which would best utilize the imgz asset method shown below.

Asset Methods

copy (any game) - Performs a direct copy to overwrite a file. Works on any file type.

Asset Example:

- method: copy
  name: msn/jp/
  - name: files/

binarc (KH2) - Specifies a modification to a subfile within a binarc, using one of the available methods. See binarc methods for details on implementing a specific method.

Asset Example

- method: binarc
  name: ard/wi03.ard
  - method: spawnpoint
    name: b_40
    - name: files/b_40.yml
    type: AreaDataSpawn

Binarc Methods

copy (KH2) - Performs a copy on a supfile within a Bar. Must be one of the following types

Asset Example

- method: binarc
  name: msn/jp/
  - method: copy
    name: ms_b
    - name: he_c.bdx
    type: Bdx

imgd (KH2) - Replaces a single imgd found within a binarc

Asset Example

  - name: menu/us/title.2ld
      - name: menu/jp/title.2ld
    required: true
    method: binarc
      - name: titl
        type: imgd
        method: imgd
          - name: title/title1.png
            highdef: title/title1_hd.png

imgz // fac (KH2) - Replaces multiple imgd’s found within a binarc.

Asset Example

  - name: menu/us/title.2ld
      - name: menu/jp/title.2ld
      - name: menu/uk/title.2ld
      - name: menu/it/title.2ld
      - name: menu/sp/title.2ld
      - name: menu/gr/title.2ld
      - name: menu/fr/title.2ld
      - name: menu/fm/title.2ld
    required: true
    method: binarc
      - name: titl
        type: imgz
        method: imgz
          - name: title/title1.png
            highdef: title/title1_hd.png
            index: 1

kh2msg (KH2) - Replaces text found within a kh2 messages file. Uses a yaml file as an source.

Asset Example

  - name: msg/jp/
    method: binarc
      - name: sys
        type: list
        method: kh2msg
          - name: sys.yml
            language: jp

Yaml Source Example

- id: 0x432e
  en: OpenKH is awesome!
  it: OpenKH è incredibile!
  sp: ¡OpenKH es increíble!
  gr: OpenKH ist großartig!
  fr: OpenKH est incroyable!
  jp: OPENKHすばらしい!

areadatascript (KH2) - Modifies a series programs found within a KH2 Spawnscript subfile (located within ard files), using the text format created by OpenKh.Command.SpawnScript. You can only provide a subset of the programs found within the spawnscript, the others will be taken from the original file.

Asset Example

- method: binarc
  name: ard/hb34.ard
  - method: areadatascript
    name: evt
    - name: files/hb34/program-87
    - name: files/hb34/program-7c
    - name: files/hb34/program-7d
    - name: files/hb34/program-86
    type: AreaDataScript

Text Source Example

Program 0x7C
Bgm Default Default
AreaSettings 0 -1
	SetJump Type 2 World HB Area 0 Entrance 0 LocalSet 151 FadeType 1
	SetPartyMenu 0

areadataspawn (KH2) - Modifies a KH2 Spawnpoint subfile (located within ard files), using an yaml file created using OpenKh.Command.SpawnScript.

Asset Example

- method: binarc
  name: ard/wi03.ard
  - method: spawnpoint
    name: b_40
    - name: files/b_40.yml
    type: AreaDataSpawn

listpatch (KH2) - Can modify the following different types of list binaries found within KH2:

Asset Example

- name: 00battle.bin
  method: binarc
  - name: fmlv
    method: listpatch
    type: List
      - name: FmlvList.yml
        type: fmlv

trsr Source Example

  ItemId: 347

cmd Source Example

- Id: 1
  Execute: 3
  Argument: 3
  SubMenu: 1
  CmdIcon: 3
  MessageId: 33249
  Flags: Cursor, InBattleOnly
  Range: -1
  Dir: 0
  DirRange: -1
  Cost: 0
  CmdCamera: 0
  Priority: 100
  CmdReceiver: 0
  Time: 0
  Require: 0
  Mark: 1
  CmdAction: 0
  ReactionCount: 0
  DistRange: 0
  Score: 0
  DisableForm: 63552
  Group: 2
  Reserve: 0

item Source Example

- Ability: 412
  AbilityPoints: 0
  Attack: 0
  DarkResistance: 100
  Defense: 0
  FireResistance: 100
  GeneralResistance: 100
  IceResistance: 100
  Id: 116
  LightningResistance: 100
  Magic: 7
  Unknown: 0
  Unknown08: 100
  Unknown0d: 100
- Id: 1
  Type: Consumable
  Flag0: 0
  Flag1: 40
  Rank: C
  StatEntry: 1
  Name: 33528
  Description: 33529
  ShopBuy: 40
  ShopSell: 10
  Command: 23
  Slot: 0
  Picture: 1
  Icon1: 9
  Icon2: 0

sklt Source Example

- CharacterId: 1
  Bone1: 178
  Bone2: 86

arif Source Example

End of Sea: #End of Sea. Names are taken from
    Flags: IsKnownArea, IndoorArea, Monochrome #Other acceptable flags are NoShadow and HasGlow.
    Reverb: 10
    SoundEffectBank1: 20
    SoundEffectBank2: 30
      - BgmField: 2000
        BgmBattle: 2000
      - BgmField: 600
        BgmBattle: 600
      - BgmField: 1200
        BgmBattle: 1200
      - BgmField: 1200
        BgmBattle: 1200
      - BgmField: 1000
        BgmBattle: 1000
      - BgmField: 1000
        BgmBattle: 1000
      - BgmField: 1500
        BgmBattle: 1500
      - BgmField: 1500
        BgmBattle: 1500
    Voice: 40
    NavigationMapItem: 50
    Command: 60
    Reserved: []

memt Source Example

  - Index: 0 #Specify a memt index to edit. Use a new index to create a new MemtEntry.
    WorldId: 2
    CheckStoryFlag: 3
    CheckStoryFlagNegation: 4
    Unk06: 5
    Unk08: 6
    Unk0A: 7
    Unk0C: 8
    Unk0E: 9
    Members: [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27]
  - Index: 37
    WorldId: 2
    CheckStoryFlag: 3
    CheckStoryFlagNegation: 4
    Unk06: 5
    Unk08: 6
    Unk0A: 7
    Unk0C: 8
    Unk0E: 9
    Members: [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27]

  - Index: 0
    Player: 15
    Friend1: 20
    Friend2: 32
    FriendWorld: 42

fmab Source Example

  1: #This is "Growth Ability Level"; so this edits the second entry in the list, or, LV 2.
    HighJumpHeight: 999
    AirDodgeHeight: 999
    AirDodgeSpeed: 3.0
    AirSlideTime: 1.0
    AirSlideSpeed: 2.0
    AirSlideBrake: 1.0
    AirSlideStopBrake: 1.0
    AirSlideInvulnerableFrames: 0.5
    GlideSpeed: 2.0
    GlideFallRatio: 0.8
    GlideFallHeight: 1.2
    GlideFallMax: 1.5
    GlideAcceleration: 2.5
    GlideStartHeight: 1.0
    GlideEndHeight: 0.8
    GlideTurnSpeed: 1.5
    DodgeRollInvulnerableFrames: 0.7
    HighJumpHeight: 9999
    AirDodgeHeight: 999
    AirDodgeSpeed: 3.0
    AirSlideTime: 1.0
    AirSlideSpeed: 2.0
    AirSlideBrake: 1.0
    AirSlideStopBrake: 1.0
    AirSlideInvulnerableFrames: 0.5
    GlideSpeed: 2.0
    GlideFallRatio: 0.8
    GlideFallHeight: 1.2
    GlideFallMax: 1.5
    GlideAcceleration: 2.5
    GlideStartHeight: 1.0
    GlideEndHeight: 0.8
    GlideTurnSpeed: 1.5
    DodgeRollInvulnerableFrames: 0.7

enmp Source Example

- Id: 0
  Level: 1
  - 1
  - 1
  - 1
  - 1
  - 1
  - 1
  - 1
  MaxDamage: 1
  MinDamage: 1
  PhysicalWeakness: 1
  FireWeakness: 1
  IceWeakness: 1
  ThunderWeakness: 1
  DarkWeakness: 1
  LightWeakness: 1
  GeneralWeakness: 1
  Experience: 1
  Prize: 1
  BonusLevel: 1  

fmlv Source Example

- Ability: 578
  Experience: 12
  FormId: 5
  FormLevel: 1
  GrowthAbilityLevel: 1

lvpm Source Example

- Level: 0
  HpMultiplier: 100
  Strength: 45
  Defense: 26
  MaxStrength: 16
  MinStrength: 5
  Experience: 3212

lvup Source Example

    Ap: 0
    Character: Sora
    Defense: 0
    Exp: 100
    Level: 2
    Magic: 0
    Padding: 0
    ShieldAbility: 577
    StaffAbility: 577
    Strength: 0
    SwordAbility: 577

bons Source Example

    AccessorySlotUpgrade: 0
    ArmorSlotUpgrade: 0
    BonusItem1: 99
    BonusItem2: 0
    CharacterId: 1
    Description: ''
    DriveGaugeUpgrade: 0
    HpIncrease: 0
    ItemSlotUpgrade: 0
    MpIncrease: 0
    RewardId: 2
    Unknown0c: 0

atkp Source Example

- Id: 0 #Hitbox 0
  SubId: 3
  Type: 1
  CriticalAdjust: 0
  Power: 25
  Team: 0
  Element: 0
  EnemyReaction: 0
  EffectOnHit: 2
  KnockbackStrength1: 32767
  KnockbackStrength2: 0
  Unknown: 0000
  Flags: BGHit, LimitPAX, Land, CapturePAX, ThankYou, KillBoss #Every possible AttackFlag shown
  RefactSelf: 0
  RefactOther: 0
  ReflectedMotion: 0
  ReflectHitBack: 0
  ReflectAction: 0
  ReflectHitSound: 0
  ReflectRC: 0
  ReflectRange: 0
  ReflectAngle: 0
  DamageEffect: 0
  Switch: 1
  Interval: 1
  FloorCheck: 1
  DriveDrain: 1
  RevengeDamage: 1
  AttackTrReaction: 1
  ComboGroup: 1
  RandomEffect: 1
  Kind: ComboFinisher
  HpDrain: 15

przt Source Example

- Id: 1
  SmallHpOrbs: 0
  BigHpOrbs: 1
  BigMoneyOrbs: 1
  MediumMoneyOrbs: 1
  SmallMoneyOrbs: 1
  SmallMpOrbs: 1
  BigMpOrbs: 1
  SmallDriveOrbs: 0
  BigDriveOrbs: 1
  Item1: 1
  Item1Percentage: 1
  Item2: 0
  Item2Percentage: 0
  Item3: 0
  Item3Percentage: 0

magc Source Example

- Id: 0 
  Level: 3
  World: 1
  FileName: magic/FIRE_3.mag
  Item: 21
  Command: 120
  GroundMotion: 56
  GroundBlend: 2
  FinishMotion: 57
  FinishBlend: 2
  AirMotion: 58
  AirBlend: 2
  Voice: 7
  VoiceFinisher: 11
  VoiceSelf: -1

limt Source Example

- Id: 1
  Character: Sora
  Summon: None
  Group: 0
  SpawnId: 0
  Command: 100
  Limit: 0
  World: 00
  Padding: []
- Id: 30
  Character: Donald
  Summon: Goofy
  Group: 0
  SpawnId: 0
  Command: 100
  Limit: 0
  World: 00
  Padding: []

vtbl Source Example

- Id: 26
  CharacterId: 1
  Priority: 01
    - VsbIndex: 5
      Weight: 100
    - VsbIndex: -1
      Weight: 0
    - VsbIndex: -1
      Weight: 0
    - VsbIndex: -1
      Weight: 0
    - VsbIndex: 6
      Weight: 5
  Reserved: 0

btlv Source Example

- Id: 0
  ProgressFlag: 0x1099
  WorldZZ: 1
  WorldOfDarkness: 1
  TwilightTown: 1
  DestinyIslands: 1
  HollowBastion: 1
  BeastCastle: 1
  OlympusColiseum: 1
  Agrabah: 1
  LandOfDragons: 1
  HundredAcreWoods: 1
  PrideLands: 1
  Atlantica: 1
  DisneyCastle: 1
  TimelessRiver: 1
  HalloweenTown: 1
  PortRoyal: 1
  SpaceParanoids: 1
  TheWorldThatNeverWas: 1
  Padding: []

objentry Source Example

  ObjectId: 4
  ObjectType: ZAKO
  SubType: 0
  DrawPriority: 0
  WeaponJoint: 0
  ModelName: M_EX520
  AnimationName: M_EX520.mset
  Flag: 8
  TargetType: 1
  Padding: 0
  NeoStatus: 1006
  NeoMoveset: 0
  Weight: 100
  SpawnLimiter: 8
  Page: 1
  ShadowSize: 1
  CommandMenuOption: Default
  SpawnObject1: 0
  SpawnObject2: 0
  SpawnObject3: 0
  SpawnObject4: 0

libretto Source Example

- TalkMessageId: 752 #Id to update.
  Unknown: 3 #Unknown to update.
  Contents: #Contents to update. Will insert additional Contents as necessary. When no additional are detected, terminates w/ 0.
    - Unknown1: 0x00010001
      TextId: 0x3DEB
    - Unknown1: 0x00010001
      TextId: 0x183C

localset Source Example

- ProgramId: 999
  MapNumber: 25

soundinfo Source Example

- Index: 0			#Specify an index to modify; otherwise if the index doesn't exist it will be created.
  Reverb: -1
  Rate: 1
  EnvironmentWAV: 99
  EnvironmentSEB: 99
  EnvironmentNUMBER: 99
  FootstepWAV: 99
  FootstepSORA: 99
  FootstepDONALD: 99
  FootstepGOOFY: 99
  FootstepWORLDFRIEND: 99
  FootstepOTHER: 99

place Source Example

- Index: 0			#Index should match the ID of the room in the world; i.e, Index 0 = al00 if you were modifying Agrabah.
  MessageId: 1234
  Padding: 0

jigsaw Source Example

- Picture: 2
  Part: 4
  Text: 1500
  World: 2
  Room: 1
  JigsawIdWorld: 99
  Unk07: 0
  Unk08: 0

Asset Example

- name: menu/us/
  method: binarc
  - name: reci
    method: synthpatch
    type: Synthesis
      - name: ReciList.yml
        type: recipe

recipe Source Example

- Id: 1
  Unlock: 0
  Rank: 5
  Item: 100
  UpgradedItem: 101
  Ingredient1: 200
  Ingredient1Amount: 1
  Ingredient2: 201
  Ingredient2Amount: 2
  Ingredient3: 202
  Ingredient3Amount: 3
  Ingredient4: 203
  Ingredient4Amount: 4
  Ingredient5: 204
  Ingredient5Amount: 5
  Ingredient6: 205
  Ingredient6Amount: 6

level Source Example

- Title: 48338 #TextID to use for Moogle Level "Title", pulls from Sys.Bar.
  Stat: 48740
  Enable: -1
  Padding: 0
  Exp: 0

condition Source Example

- TextId: 151
  RewardId: 0
  Type: 5
  MaterialType: 100
  MaterialRank: 101
  ItemCollect: 200
  Count: 1
  ShopUnlock: 201

bbsarc (BBS)

Allows you to add/patch files inside a bbs .arc container without having to copy the entire arc file into your mod. You can use any method to patch those files, although at time of writing the only one that works for BBS files (other than bbsarc) is copy.

Asset example:

- name: arc/map/SW10.arc
  method: bbsarc
  - name: sw_10.pvd
    method: copy
    - name: sw_10.pvd

An example of a fully complete mod.yml can be seen below, and the full source of the mod can be seen here

title: OpenKH mod template
originalAuthor: OpenKH open-source assets
description: An example of mod to use as a template
  - name: menu/us/title.2ld
      - name: menu/jp/title.2ld
      - name: menu/uk/title.2ld
      - name: menu/it/title.2ld
      - name: menu/sp/title.2ld
      - name: menu/gr/title.2ld
      - name: menu/fr/title.2ld
      - name: menu/fm/title.2ld
    required: true
    method: binarc
      - name: titl
        type: imgz
        method: imgz
          - name: title/title1.png
            highdef: title/title1_hd.png
            index: 1
  - name: msg/jp/
    method: binarc
      - name: sys
        type: list
        method: kh2msg
          - name: sys.yml
            language: jp
  - name: msg/us/
    method: binarc
      - name: sys
        type: list
        method: kh2msg
          - name: sys.yml
            language: en
  - name: msg/it/
    method: binarc
      - name: sys
        type: list
        method: kh2msg
          - name: sys.yml
            language: it

Generating a Simple mod.yml for New Mod Authors

This method is recommended exclusively for mod authors, as the YAML Generator built into the Mod Manager is considered fully functional, yet lacks all of the aforementioned asset methods, with the exception of a couple. Those being:

To start, here are the steps:

  1. Create an isolated folder where you will be working on your mod. Ideally, to make it easy for testing in-game, this would be in openkh/mods/Your Name/Your Mod Name.
  2. To keep things simple, recreate the game’s folder structure. I.e., if you were to edit KH2’s title screen, Sora’s HUD sprites, and replacing the font in KH2 with something goofy like Comic Sans, you would have a file tree that looks like this:
    │   └───us
    │       └───title.2ld
     │   └───us
     │       └───
  3. Open the Creator menu on the top of Mod Manager, and select YamlGenerator.
  4. Make the path to your mod.yml where your root mod folder is (i.e., where the example file structure would be located at).
  5. Click Generate or update mod.yml.
  6. Make the GameDataPath the same folder as where your new mod.yml has been generated.
  7. Click Begin.
  8. Click Search in the upper right.
  9. Select all your files (not mod.yml).
  10. Click Copy each.
  11. Make sure the [ ]Exists box is checked. If it’s not, you did something wrong. Retrace your steps.
  12. Click Proceed at the bottom.
  13. Answer yes, you would like to commit the change to the mod.yml file.
  14. Close the creator and edit your mod.yml file with a text editor to change the following fields as necessary:
    • title
    • originalAuthor
    • description
  15. Save your changes and upload the entirety of this folder, including the mod.yml file to a new GitHub repository.
  16. (Optional) Archive everything into a .zip archive and upload to Nexusmods under the appropriate game section.
  17. Profit!

Publishing a Mod on GitHub

Mods should be published to a public GitHUb repository, so that users can install the mod just by providing the repository name.

It is recommended to apply the following tags to the repository, in order to make it easily found by searching GitHub for mods manager mods: