
This is a centralized place for the documentation and other discoveries about the internal working of Kingdom Hearts games.

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Kingdom Hearts II - MSN

Mission file. They are located in msn/{language}/ and describe how a certain map should behave. Internally they are just bar files.


This is the entry point of the file. It is a binary-type file and it’s name is always {WORLD_ID}{MAP_INDEX}. Example: for the file EH21_MS101, where EH is the world and 21 is the map index, the mission name is called EH21.

This file is splitted into two parts: The first 0x1C bytes are the header. This length is always fixed. After that comes a block of variable length which contains opcodes.

Offset Type Description
0x00 uint16 Magic Code, always 2
0x02 uint16 Id (used in ARD)
0x04 uint16 Flags
0x06 uint16 Information Bar Text Id (loaded from msg\{LANGUAGE}\{WORLD_ID}.bar)
0x08 byte/BitArray Pause Menu Controller
0x09 byte Padding
0x0A uint16 Pause Menu Information Text Id (loaded from msg\{LANGUAGE}\{WORLD_ID}.bar)
0x0C BitArray Boolean Flag Array [5]
0x0D byte Bonus Reward
0x0E byte Antiform Multiplier
0x0F byte Padding
0x10 int Sound effect when mission is started
0x14 int Sound effect when mission is finished
0x18 int Sound effect when mission is failed


Bit Description
0x1 Is Boss Battle
0x2 Is Drive Disabled
0x4 Is Enable Place
0x8 unused
0x10 Is Show Weapon
0x20 No Leave
0x40 No Prize
0x80 No Prizebox
0x100 Hide Minimap
0x200 Is Mickey spawnable
0x400 Is No Experience
0x800 Is Magic Disabled
0x1000 Is Retry possible
0x2000 Is Free Summon (Summon alone)
0x4000 Is Summon Disabled
0x8000 unused

Pause Menu Controller

Defines the type of Pause Menu Available when pressing start.

Value Description
00 Only pause menu
01 Only pause menu
02 4 button pause menu with text (cont, retry, help, quit)
03 Only pause menu
04 Only pause menu
05 Pause menu with text
06 Pause menu with text
07 Only pause menu
08 3 button pause menu (retry, help, quit)
09 Jiminy’s journal
0A Only pause menu
0B Only pause menu
0C Only pause menu
0D Only pause menu
0E Only pause menu
0F Only pause menu
1C Pause Menu with Text and 3 Options (Continue, Jiminy’s Journal, Save)
1E Pause Menu with Text and 4 Options (Continue, Retry, Help, Quit)
1F ???

This is most likely a BitArray and needs to be explored further.

Antiform Multiplier

Multiplies the chance of getting Antiform in a battle. Seems to affect the frequency with which Mickey can save Sora, too.


This micro-code is responsible for certain elements to be used in missions.

Offset Type Description
00 short Operation code
02 short Parameter count for the operation
04 int[] Parameters

Operation code

There is a total of 13 operation codes for the mission script. The parser can be found at [sub_181d30].


Intro to missions. Either camera transitions or content from a SEQD.

Offset Type Description
00 byte Entry number in BAR to AnimationLoader file (for camera)
01 byte Entry number in BAR to SEQD file
02 ushort Object Id which camera will focus on

Used 227 times.


Ending to missions. Either camera transitions or content from a SEQD. Has the same structure as CameraStart.

Used 240 times.


Plays when an event is failed (for example when a struggle battle is lost). Either camera transitions or content from a SEQD. Has the same structure as CameraStart.

Used 88 times.


Offset Type Description
00 int Initial value
04 int Max value
08 int Min value
0C byte Entry number in BAR to SEQD file. If no file is present the timer will be invisible.
0D byte  
0E byte  
0F byte  

If Initial value >= Max value the timer will count down. Otherwise it will count up.

Used 78 times.


Is used to count for example Struggle orbs, enemies, medals in Olympus Cups etc.

Offset Type Description
00 int Initial value
04 int Max value
08 int Min value
0C byte Entry number in BAR to SEQD file. If no file is present the counter will be invisible.
0D byte  
0E byte  
0F byte  

Used 208 times.


Used 55 times.


Used 40 times.


Used 0 times.


Used 11 times.


Defines how much MP a Limit consumes.

Offset Type Description
00 int MP cost

Used 10 times.


Defines how fast the drive gauge fills/drains.

Used 10 times.


Used 11 times.


Currently unknown. Either camera transitions or content from a SEQD. Has the same structure as CameraStart.

Used 42 times.

The miss entry

Present for most of the mission files, it is a PAX file that it is always named miss.

Its purpose is currently unknown.

Animation loader

A mission file can contain between 0 and multiple animation loaders. Their names are usually 0a, 1a.

Its purpose is currently unknonw.


Most of the missions have a pair of IMGD and SEQD. The most common file names is ct_e, st_h, ed_h, gh_h, cb_e, ed_t, ti_e, st_t and many others.

How they are used is unknown and the meaning of their file names is currently unknonw.

Boss script

A mission that hosts a boss battle has a ms_b file, which is an AI script.

Unknown scripts

ms_d, ms_m, ms_a, ms_g, kino are some of the script names where their purposes is still unknown.