Kingdom Hearts II - 14mission.bin
This is the file that is used by MSN files known as “Pause Menu Controller.” This file ties specific ID’s to predetermined functions and text ID’s. ID 1 for example is used by the game almost anytime Sora game-overs from a battle. ID 0x08 and 0x20 are used in Atlantica, and feature bitflags that prevent unpausing with the Start button.
Offset | Type | Description |
00 | uint32 | File type (2) |
04 | uint32 | Count |
08 | Entry[Count] | Entries |
Entries are 64 bytes long, though there seem to be parts that are unused or unknown. | Offset | Type | Description |——–|——–|———— | 0x00 | uint16 | ID | 0x02 | uchar | Choice Num | 0x03 | uchar | Choice Default | 0x04 | uint16 | Option 1 Id | 0x06 | uint16 | Option 1 TextId | 0x08 | uint16 | Option 2 Id | 0x0A | uint16 | Option 2 TextId | 0x0C | uint16 | Option 3 Id | 0x0E | uint16 | Option 3 TextId | 0x10 | uint16 | Option 4 Id | 0x12 | uint16 | Option 4 TextId | 0x14 | int16 | Base Sequence | 0x16 | int16 | Title Sequence | 0x18 | int32 | Information | 0x1C | uint32 | EntryId | 0x20 | int32 | Task | 0x24 | uint8 | Pause Mode | 0x25 | uint8 | Flag | 0x26 | uint8 | Sound Pause | 0x27 | uint8 | Padding (0x19)
Option IDs
Functions are pre-defined. Attempting to add Retry or Quit to forced fights will cause the game to crash. | Value | Description |——–|———— | 0x01 | Load Game Menu | 0x02 | Continue | 0x03 | Retry | 0x04 | Quit | 0x05 | Skip Scene | 0x06 | Continue | 0x08 | It’s all over (Mickey) | 0x09 | I won’t give up! (Mickey) | 0x0A | Jiminy’s Journal | 0x0C | Help | 0x11 | Save | 0x13 | Return to Menu
Base Sequence
| Value | Description |——–|———— | 0x00 | Slight fade on-pause | 0x01 | Completely blackens the screen on-pause. | 0x02 | Completely whitens the screen on-pause. | 0x03 | Fades from white to black on-pause.
Title Sequence
| Value | Description |——–|———— | 0x0F | Show Pause Animation | 0x0D | Positions Pause & Options Downwards | 0xFF | No Pause Animation
Pause Mode
| Value | Description |——–|———— | 0x00 | Do not show additional text in-battle | 0x01 | Show additional text/options in-battle | 0x02 | ??? | 0x04 | ???
| Value | Description |——–|———— | 0x00 | ??? | 0x01 | Do not allow the player to unpause with Start. | 0x02 | ??? | 0x04 | ???
Sound Pause
| Value | Description |——–|———— | 0x00 | ??? | 0x01 | ??? | 0x02 | ??? | 0x04 | ???