
This is a centralized place for the documentation and other discoveries about the internal working of Kingdom Hearts games.

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Kingdom Hearts II - 03system.bin

This is an essential file to boot the game engine.


Unknown table.

Rcct Structure

Amount Description
1 Rcct header
35 Rcct entries

Rcct Header

Offset Variable Type Description
0 uint File type (1)
4 uint Entry Count

Rcct Entry

Offset Variable Type Description
0 short Unk0
2 short Unk2
4 short Unk4
6 short Unk6
8 short Unk8
10 short Unk10 (Padding?)


Commands table.

Cmd Structure

Amount Description
1 Cmd header
751 Cmd entries

Cmd Header

Offset Variable Type Description
0 uint File type (2)
4 uint Entry Count

Cmd Entry

Offset Variable Type Description
0 ushort Id - COMMAND LIST
2 ushort Execute
4 short Argument¹
6 sbyte Submenu
7 byte Icon
8 int Text
12 uint Flags
16 float Range
20 float Dir
24 float Dir Range
28 byte Mp/Drive cost
29 byte Camera
30 byte Priority
31 byte Receiver
32 ushort Time
34 ushort Require
36 byte Mark
37 byte Action
38 ushort Reaction Count
40 ushort Dist Range
42 ushort Score
44 ushort Disable Form (BitFlags)
46 byte Group
47 byte Reserve

¹: This can be Argument, Form Id or Magic Id


Id Description
0 None
1 Attack
2 Magic
3 Item
4 Form
5 Summon
6 Friend
7 Limit


Id Description
0x1 Cursor
0x2 Land
0x4 Force
0x8 Combo
0x10 Battle
0x20 Secure
0x40 Require
0x80 No Combo
0x100 Drive
0x200 Short
0x400 Disable Sora
0x800 Disable Roxas
0x1000 Disable Lion King Sora
0x2000 Disable Limit Form
0x4000 Unused
0x8000 Disable Skateboard
0x10000 Battle Mode Only


Id Description
0 Null
1 Watch
2 Lock On
3 Watch & Lock On


Id Description
0 Player
1 Target
2 Both


Id Description
0 Null
1 Idle
2 Jump

Disable Form

Id Description
0x1 Roxas and Non-Minigame Base Soras
0x2 Valor Sora
0x4 Wisdom Sora
0x8 Limit Sora (Also has a dedicated Flag)
0x10 Master Sora
0x20 Anti Sora
0x40 Lion King Sora
0x80 Little Mermaid Sora
0x100 Unknown
0x200 Dual Wield Roxas
0x400 Card/Dice/Carpet Escape Sora (Minigame Soras Except Lightcycle) and Mickey Mouse
0x800 Unknown
0x1000 Unknown
0x2000 Unknown
0x4000 Unknown
0x5000 Unknown


Weapon entity table. Contains a list of pointers that point to the offset of a weapon set. There are multiple pointers for multiple sets. Weapon sets contain the list of weapon models a character use in certain situations.

The Id within a “Went set” is the weapon’s subId on the item table.

Went Structure

Amount Description
70 Went pointers
24 Went sets

Went pointer

Offset Variable Type Description
0 uint Points to the offset of a Went set

Went set structure

Offset Variable Type Description
0 uint Set size in 4 bytes length. (Including itself)
4 uint[Set size - 1] Weapon model. - OBJ LIST

Went set order


Weapon moveset list.

Wmst Structure

Amount Description
140 Wmst entries

Wmst Entry

Offset Variable Type Description
0 char[32] Weapon moveset filename


Describes the information for each area.

Each Block corresponds to a world.

On PC, trying to load into a map in a world without a corresponding Arif entry will crash the game.

Voice controls the value of the world-specific voice to load per-room. A value of 0 in Hollow Bastion will load in hb0_sora, whereas a value of 1 will load in hb1_sora.

Navimap Item determines which item ID to look the player must have in their inventory before displaying the minimap.

Arif pointers follow the order of Worlds

Arif Structure

Amount Description
1 Arif Header
19 Arif Pointers
19 Arif Blocks

Arif Header

Offset Type Description
0 uint File type (1)
4 uint Arif Pointer Count

Arif Pointer

Offset Type Description
0 ushort Entry Count
2 ushort Block offset

Arif Block Structure

Amount Description
[Entry Count] Arif Entry

Arif Entry

Offset Type Description
0 uint Flag
4 int Reverb
8 int Bg Set 1
12 int Bg Set 2
16 BGM[8] Background Music
48 ushort Voice
50 ushort Navimap Item
52 char Command
53 char[11] Reserve


Offset Type Description
0 ushort Music 1
2 ushort Music 2


Id Description
0x1 Is Known Area
0x2 In Door Area (Lowers FOV)
0x4 Monochrome (Timeless River filter)
0x8 No Shadow
0x10 Has Glow


Describe an item, that could be anything from a consumable, to a weapon or materials.

There are two tables. The first one is the Item descriptor itself, the second one is for the statistics the item is affecting.

Item Structure

Amount Description
1 Item table
1 Status table

Item table Structure

Amount Description
1 Item header
535 Item entries

Item Header

Every table has the following header

Offset Type Description
0 uint32 File type (6)
4 uint32 Descriptor count for the specified table.

Item Entry

Offset Type Description
0 uint16 Id - ITEM LIST
2 byte Category
3 byte Flag
4 - 7   Dependent on the Category, see variable structures
8 uint16 Name message ID
10 uint16 Description message ID
12 uint16 Shop buy price
14 uint16 Shop sell price
16 uint16 Command - COMMAND LIST
18 uint16 Slot (Order in the menu)
20 uint16 Picture linked to the image
22 byte Prize Box
23 byte Icon

*Used as recovery amount for consumables (% for ethers, halved on charge), AP cost for abilities, Id used in Went for weapons.


ID Description
0 Consumable (Equippable)
1 Consumable (Menu)
2 Keyblade
3 Staff
4 Shield
5 Ping weapon
6 Auron weapon
7 Beast weapon
8 Jack weapon
9 Dummy weapon
10 Riku weapon
11 Simba weapon
12 Jack Sparrow weapon
13 Tron weapon
14 Armor
15 Accessory
16 Synthesis
17 Moguri recipe
18 Magic
19 Ability
20 Summon
21 Form
22 Map
23 Report


Position Size Description
0 1 Special
1 1 Normal Form Only

Prize boxes

ID Description
0 Red S (Synth1)
1 Red L (Synth1)
2 Red XL (Synth1)
3 Blue S (Synth2)
4 Blue L (Synth2)
5 Blue XL (Synth2)
6 Winged S (Equipment)
7 Winged L (Equipment)
8 Winged XL (Equipment)
9 Purple S (Item)
10 Purple L (Item)
11 Purple XL (Item)

Variable structures


Offset Type Description
4 uint16 Id
6 uint8 Ap
7 uint8 Type


Offset Type Description
4 uint16 Cure Rate
6 uint16 Effect

Equipment (Armor, Accessory)

Offset Type Description
4 uint16 Param
6 uint16 Unused


Offset Type Description
4 uint16 Id
6 uint16 Unused


Offset Type Description
4 uint8 Rank
5 uint8 Type


Offset Type Description
4 uint16 Id


Offset Type Description
4 uint16 Id
6 uint16 Param

Status table Structure

Amount Description
1 Status header
151 Status entries

Status Header

Every table has the following header

Offset Type Description
0 uint32 File type (0)
4 uint32 Descriptor count for the specified table.

Status Entry

Offset Type Description
0 uint16 Id - EQUIPMENT LIST
2 uint16 Ability ID
4 uint8 Attack boost
5 uint8 Magic boost
6 uint8 Defense boost
7 uint8 AP boost
8 uint8 Physical damage
9 uint8 Fire damage
10 uint8 Ice damage
11 uint8 Lightning damage
12 uint8 Dark damage
13 uint8 Light/Neutral damage
14 uint8 General damage
15 uint8 Reserve


The treasure table describes what item cam be retrieved from a specific chest or event to a given map.

Trsr Structure

Amount Description
1 Trsr header
430 Trsr entries

Trsr Header

Offset Variable Type Description
0 ushort File type (3)
2 ushort Entry Count

Trsr Entry

Offset Type Description
0 uint16 ID
2 uint16 Item ID
4 uint8 Type
5 uint8 World ID
6 uint8 Room index
7 uint8 Room chest index
8 uint16 Event ID
10 uint16 Overall chest index

World ID and room index combined, gives the name of the map. (eg. for world ID = 4 and room index = 9, the map is hb_09)

Treasure type

Type Name
0 Chest
1 Event


Also known as Member Table, defines which object to load in certain situations.

The game internally uses a pawn system. There are five pawns: PLAYER, FRIEND_1, FRIEND_2, ACTOR_SORA and ACTOR_SORA_H. The first three are used during gameplay sessions, while the other two are used during cutscenes. When the game finds those pawns, it will instead load the actual object to load given a specific map. This is, for example, how the game decides to load Halloween Sora in NM world, or when to load Ping or Mulan in MU world given certain story flags. This is true for cutscenes too, where if you go transformed as Final Form, Sora will appear with Final Form clothes even with his high-poly model rather than his default model.

The first entry is the default one as it globally defined which pawn is which object. After that, a series of conditional entries are defined. For each entry that respects a certain condition, it will temporarily overwrite the default values. The first condition is the World ID, which is the current world that the game have loaded. Then there is a World Story Flag and World Story Flag Negation. Those are conditions to load a different entry based on the story progression. As this World Story Flag contains both the flag and the World ID, it is possible to tell to the game to load specific objects of a world based on the story progression of another world. While the first story flag checks if that part of the story is met, the negation one satisfies the condition when the specified story flag is not met.

Whenever a value of 0 in this structure is found, it is ignored. Story flags will always give a positive result, while pawns will fall back to the ones defined in the default entry.

Memt Header

Offset Variable Type Description
0 uint File version (5)
4 uint Entry Count

Memt entry

Note that on the Vanilla version of the game, this structure is 48 bytes long and not 52, as Limit and Limti High poly are not existent. The file version remains 5

Offset Type Description
0 ushort World ID
2 ushort World story flag
4 ushort World story flag negation
6 byte Command flag (based on ARIF but uses 1-index as opposed to its 0-index)
7 byte[9] Unknown
16 ushort Player (Sora)
18 ushort Friend 1 (Donald)
20 ushort Friend 2 (Goofy)
22 ushort World character
24 ushort Player (Valor)
26 ushort Player (Wisdom)
28 ushort Player (Limit)
30 ushort Player (Master)
32 ushort Player (Final)
34 ushort Player (Anti)
36 ushort Player (Mickey)
38 ushort Player (Sora High poly)
40 ushort Player (Valor High poly)
42 ushort Player (Wisdom High poly)
44 ushort Player (Limit High poly)
46 ushort Player (Master High poly)
48 ushort Player (Final High poly)
50 ushort Player (Sora High poly)

Memt party

This table, found straight after the entries, is used to decide which party members are used in a given portion of the game. This table is used by AreaData scripts and controls what the values actually do. The index is the one for the entries object array, so an index of 0 will check what’s in the offset 16 and an index of 3 will check what’s in the offset 22. When the value is equal to 12 (or 10 for Vanilla), the game will not make that specific pawn available in the party. This table seems to be the one responsible to assign or remove specific party members.

Offset Type Description
0 byte Member index for player
1 byte Member index for friend 1
2 byte Member index for friend 2
3 byte Member index for friend world


This is a table that contains the font palette for each world.

The FTST is a binary file that contains N amount of palettes (9 for FM version), where every palette contain an unique ID (or key) and exactly 19 different colors.

Each color correspond to the world index and it is loaded based on the current world.


This file contains data for the shops. There’s a list of products available. Products are grouped in Inventories. Shops sell products in their inventories. Each inventory has the product on its “Product offset” and the following “Product count” products. Each shop has the inventory on its “Inventory offset” and the following “Inventory count” products. “Valid Item Table” is always at the end of the file. It has no count and is read from the “Valid Items Offset” to the end of the file. In it is every possible Item that can be bought in any of the shops. Any item added to any of the shops must also add the Item ID to this table or the game will crash.

Shop Structure

Amount Description
1 Shop header
21 Shop entries
333 Inventory entries
404 Product entries
60 Valid Item Table

Shop Header

Offset Variable Type Description
0 char[4] File ID (TZSH)
4 ushort File type (7)
6 ushort Shop List count
8 ushort Inventory Entry count
10 ushort Product Entry count
12 uint Valid Items Offset

Shop Entry

Offset Variable Type Description
0 short Command Argument
2 short Unlock Menu Flag (Unlocks items for extra inventory)
4 short Name Id
6 short Shop keeper entity - OBJ LIST
8 short PosX
10 short PosY
12 short PosZ
14 byte Extra Inventory Bitmask (Get other items from unlocked shops)
15 byte Sound Id (When the shop is opened)
16 short Inventory count
18 byte Shop Id - SHOP LIST
19 byte Unk19
20 short Inventory Offset
22 short Padding

Inventory Entry

Offset Variable Type Description
0 short Unlock event Id (FFFF means always unlocked)
2 short Product count
4 short Product Offset
6 short Padding

Product Entry

Offset Variable Type Description
0 short Item Id - Item LIST

Valid Item Table Entry

Offset Variable Type Description
0 short Item Id - Item LIST


Defines which bones the characters’ weapons are attached to.

Sklt Structure

Amount Description
1 Sklt header
26 Sklt entries

Sklt Header

Offset Variable Type Description
0 uint File type (1)
4 uint Entry Count

Sklt Entry

Offset Variable Type Description
0 uint Character Id - Character LIST
4 ushort Bone number 1 (Primary weapon)
6 ushort Bone number 2 (Secondary weapon)


Defines preferences.

Documented in



Evtp Structure

Amount Description
1 Evtp header
18 Evtp entries

Evtp Header

Offset Variable Type Description
0 uint File type (1)
4 uint Entry Count

Evtp Entry

Offset Variable Type Description
0 byte Id
1 short Unk2
3 byte[3] Padding?
6 short Unk6

