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OpenKh Tool Documentation - DoctChanger


DoctChanger is useful tool to:

Applying empty doct will cause to disappear map mesh model:

Empty doct

create-doct-for-map command is useful, if you have custom map model, and then you are looking for matching doct.

Command usage



Usage: OpenKh.Command.DoctChanger [command] [options]

  --version            Show version information
  -?|-h|--help         Show help information

  create-doct-for-map  map file: create and set unoptimized doct for rendering entire map
  create-dummy-doct    doct file: create dummy
  read-doct            doct file: read
  read-map-doct        map file: read doct
  use-this-doct        map file: replace doct with your doct

Run 'OpenKh.Command.DoctChanger [command] -?|-h|--help' for more information about a command.

create-dummy-doct command

Specify: doctFileOutput

OpenKh.Command.DoctChanger.exe create-dummy-doct dummy.doct

read-doct command

Specify: doctFileInput

OpenKh.Command.DoctChanger.exe read-doct dummy.doct

# DOCT (dummy.doct)

- Version: 2
- Unk2: 0

## Entry1

   0:(  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1) (       0,       0,       0) (       0,       0,       0)    0    0 00000000

## Entry2

   0:00000000 (       0,       0,       0) (       0,       0,       0)

use-this-doct command

Batch doct injector for map files.

Specify: inDir, outDir, and doctFile.

OpenKh.Command.DoctChanger.exe use-this-doct H:\KH2fm.yaz0r\map\jp  H:\Proj\pcsx2\bin\inject.f266b00b\map\jp dummy.doct


create-doct-for-map command

Create a simple doct (with no culling) from your map file, and then inject doct into your map.

Specify: inMap, and outMap.

OpenKh.Command.DoctChanger.exe create-doct-for-map H:\KH2fm.yaz0r\map\jp\ H:\Proj\pcsx2\bin\inject.f266b00b\map\jp\

Output map file: H:\Proj\pcsx2\bin\inject.f266b00b\map\jp\
numVifPackets: 1,583
numAlb2Groups: 725
Note: this tool will build a unoptimized doct that renders all ALB2 725 groups.
DOCT entry replaced.
Output map file is written successfully.

read-map-doct command

Specify: inMap

OpenKh.Command.DoctChanger.exe read-map-doct H:\Proj\pcsx2\bin\inject.f266b00b\map\jp\

# DOCT (

- Version: 2
- Unk2: 0

## Entry1

   0:(  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1) (       0,       0,       0) (       0,       0,       0)    0  725 00000000

## Entry2

   0:00000000 (  -18000,  -18000,  -18000) (   18000,   18000,   18000)
   1:00000000 (  -18000,  -18000,  -18000) (   18000,   18000,   18000)
   2:00000000 (  -18000,  -18000,  -18000) (   18000,   18000,   18000)
 722:00000000 (  -18000,  -18000,  -18000) (   18000,   18000,   18000)
 723:00000000 (  -18000,  -18000,  -18000) (   18000,   18000,   18000)
 724:00000000 (  -18000,  -18000,  -18000) (   18000,   18000,   18000)

show-stats command

Specify: .map file, otherwise treated as .doct file.

OpenKh.Command.DoctChanger.exe show-stats

# tt_0:0 (MeshOcclusion)
   1,320 drawing mesh groups.
   1,330 drawing meshes.