
This is a centralized place for the documentation and other discoveries about the internal working of Kingdom Hearts games.

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Kingdom Hearts II - Image

The game engine uses a custom texture format for all the 2D images to render.


Contains a single image. The file structure is defined below. Files of this type have .imd as extension. They are very similar to TIM2 files as the game collects the information in the header and send them straight to the PlayStation 2’s GS exactly as TIM2 does.


Contains multiple IMGDs aligned by 0x800 and appended one after another. Files of this type have .fac as extension.

The only known FAC files are used by Jiminy’s journal menu.


Contains multiple IMGDs prepended by a specific header. They are appended one after another without any padding. Files of this type have .imz as extension.

File structure

IMGD Header

Offset Type Description Comment
00 uint32_t Magic code, always 0x44474D49  
04 uint32_t Version. Always 0x100  
08 uint32_t Bitmap offset  
0c uint32_t Bitmap size in bytes  
10 uint32_t Palette offset  
14 uint32_t Palette size in bytes  
18 uint32_t Always -1  
1c uint16_t Image width  
1e uint16_t Image height  
20 uint16_t 2 to the power of image width (2ⁿ) 2⁷ = 128, for example.
22 uint16_t 2 to the power of image height (2ⁿ) Inversely, to calculate the desired value, run the following calculation (where X is the desired image width/height and n = value): log(X) / log(2) = n
24 uint16_t Image width divided by 64  
26 uint16_t Pixel storage format  
28 uint32_t Always -1  
2c uint16_t Clut width. 8 when format is 4bpp, else 16  
2e uint16_t Clut height. 2 when format is 4bpp, else 16  
30 uint32_t Always 1  
32 uint16_t Clut storage format. 19 when format is 32bpp, else PSMCT32  
34 uint16_t Image type. 3 if 32bpp, 5 if 8bpp or 4 if 4bpp  
36 uint16_t Clut Type. 0 when format is 32bpp, else 3  
38 uint32_t Reserved. Always 0  
3c uint32_t Flags. Usually 3 or 7, where the mask 4 tells if it’s swizzled.  

IMZ header

Offset Type Description
00 uint32_t Magic code, always 0x5A474D49
04 uint32_t Always 256
08 uint32_t Header length. Always 16
0c uint32_t IMGD count
0x14 4 bits per pixel