TM2 (PlayStation 2 texture format) - Back to Index
As the title suggests, this is the texture format used by PlayStation 2 games, not only Kingdom Hearts.
It contains information like GS hardware registers and where the texture will be allocated in the VRAM.
TM2 is a container of pictures, where every picture can optionally have a Color Look-Up Table or multiple levels of mipmaps. The way how the mipmaps works are not yet fully documented here.
File structure
Offset | Type | Description |
00 | int | MagicCode, always ‘TIM2’ |
04 | byte | File format revision. Usually 4. |
05 | byte | Format. Usually 0. |
06 | short | Picture count |
08 | int | RESERVED |
0c | int | RESERVED |
10 | Picture* | List of pictures |
When a game engine wants to pick a specific picture, it should move through the memory from the first picture header, using then TotalSize
to move to the next one.
Picture* GetPicture(Picture* firstPicture, int index) {
off_t offset = (off_t)firstPicture;
while (index-- > 0)
offset += ((Picture*)offset)->TotalSize;
return (Picture*)offset;
Offset | Type | Description |
00 | int | Total size in bytes used by the picture |
04 | int | Clut size in bytes used by the palette |
08 | int | Image size in bytes used by the bitmap |
0c | short | Header size |
0e | short | Number of colors used by the clut |
10 | byte | Picture format |
11 | byte | Mipmap count |
12 | byte | Clut color type |
13 | byte | Image color type |
14 | short | Image width in pixels |
16 | short | Image height in pixels |
18 | long | GsTex register |
20 | long | GsTex register |
28 | int | Gs flags register |
2c | int | Gs clut register |
Right after the picture header structure, if Mipmap count is greater than 1 then a Mipmap structure is found.
After the optional Mimap, there is a bitmap with the size specified by the picture header. Then finally an optional palette, also with the size in byte specified by the picture header.
Offset | Type | Description |
00 | int | Miptbp register |
04 | int | Miptbp register |
08 | int | Miptbp register |
0c | int | Miptbp register |
10 | int[8] | Array of sizes |
The purpose of those fields is currently unknown.
Bit | Count | Name | Description |
0 | 14 | TBP0 | Texture buffer location. Multiply it by 0x100 to get the raw VRAM pointer. |
14 | 6 | TBW | Texture buffer width |
20 | 6 | PSM | Pixel storage format |
26 | 4 | TW | log2(texture width) |
30 | 4 | TH | log2(texture height) |
34 | 1 | TCC | 1 if the texture or the clut contains an alpha channel. |
35 | 2 | TFX | Texture function |
37 | 14 | CBP | Clut buffer location. Multiply it by 0x100 to get the raw VRAM pointer. |
51 | 4 | CPSM | Clut storage format |
55 | 1 | CSM | Clut Storage mode |
56 | 5 | CSA | Clut Entry Offset. Mostly used by 4-bit images. |
61 | 3 | CLD | Load control. Purpose unknown. |
PSM register (Pixel Storage Mode)
Defines how pixel are arranged in each 32-bit word of local memory.
Value | Name | Description |
0 | PSMCT32 | RGBA32, uses 32-bit per pixel. |
1 | PSMCT24 | RGB24, uses 24-bit per pixel with the upper 8 bit unused. |
2 | PSMCT16 | RGBA16 unsigned, pack two pixels in 32-bit in little endian order. |
10 | PSMCT16S | RGBA16 signed, pack two pixels in 32-bit in little endian order. |
19 | PSMT8 | 8-bit indexed, packing 4 pixels per 32-bit. |
20 | PSMT4 | 4-bit indexed, packing 8 pixels per 32-bit. |
27 | PSMT8H | 8-bit indexed, but the upper 24-bit are unused. |
26 | PSMT4HL | 4-bit indexed, but the upper 24-bit are unused. |
44 | PSMT4HH | 4-bit indexed, where the bits 4-7 are evaluated and the rest discarded. |
48 | PSMZ32 | 32-bit Z buffer |
49 | PSMZ24 | 24-bit Z buffer with the upper 8-bit unused |
50 | PSMZ16 | 16-bit unsigned Z buffer, pack two pixels in 32-bit in little endian order. |
58 | PSMZ16S | 16-bit signed Z buffer, pack two pixels in 32-bit in little endian order. |
CPSM register (Color look-up Pixel Storage Mode)
Value | Name | Description |
0 | PSMCT32 | 32-bit color palette |
1 | PSMCT24 | 24-bit color palette |
2 | PSMCT16 | 16-bit color palette |
10 | PSMCT16S | 16-bit color palette |
CSM register (Color Storage Mode)
There are two possible storage modes:
: The pixels are stored and swizzled every 0x20 bytes. This option is faster for PS2 rendering.CSM2
: The pixels are stored sequencially. But the PS2 GPU uses the CLUT slower.
Color type
Value | Description |
0 | Undefined |
1 | 16-bit RGBA (A1B5G5R5) |
2 | 32-bit RGB (X8B8G8R8) |
3 | 32-bit RGBA (A8B8G8R8) |
4 | 4-bit indexed |
5 | 8-bit indexed |
TFX register (Texture function)
Value | Description |
0 | Modulate |
1 | Decal |
2 | Hilight |
3 | Hilight 2 |