
This is a centralized place for the documentation and other discoveries about the internal working of Kingdom Hearts games.

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Kingdom Hearts II - 00objentry.bin

Contains a definition of every object and it’s parameters.


Offset Type Description
0x00 uint32 ID
0x04 uint8 Object Type
0x05 uint8 Subtype
0x06 uint8 Draw priority
0x07 uint8 Weapon Joint - Points to Sklt
0x08 char[32] Model Name
0x28 char[32] Animation Name
0x48 uint16 Flags
0x4A uint8 Target Type
0x4B uint8 Padding
0x4C uint16 Neo Status
0x4E uint16 Neo Moveset
0x50 float Weight
0x54 uint8 Spawn Limiter
0x55 uint8 Page (unknown)
0x56 uint8 Shadow Size
0x57 uint8 Form
0x58 uint16 Spawn additional object 1 - OBJ LIST
0x5A uint16 Spawn additional object 2 - OBJ LIST
0x5C uint16 Spawn additional object 3 - OBJ LIST
0x5E uint16 Spawn additional object 4 - OBJ LIST

Object Types

Id Name (ELF) Description
0x00 PLAYER Player
0x01 FRIEND Party Member
0x02 NPC NPC
0x03 BOSS Boss (makes a finsher required to kill)
0x04 ZAKO Normal Enemy
0x05 WEAPON Weapon
0x06 E_WEAPON Placeholders for ARD files
0x07 SP World/Save Point
0x08 F_OBJ Neutral (can be damaged by both allies and enemies)
0x09 BTLNPC Partner (out of party allies)
0x0B SUBMENU Moogle
0x0C L_BOSS Large Boss
0x0D G_OBJ Unknown
0x0E MEMO Pause Menu Dummy (walking models in Pause Menu)
0x0F RTN Unknown
0x10 MINIGAME Unknown
0x11 WORLDMAP Objects on the World Map
0x12 PRIZEBOX Drop Item Container
0x13 SUMMON Summon Partner
0x14 SHOP Shop Point
0x15 L_ZAKO Normal Enemy
0x16 MASSEFFECT Crowd Spawner
0x17 E_OBJ Unknown
0x18 JIGSAW Puzzle Piece


Position Size Description
0 1 No APDX
1 1 Before
2 1 Fix Color
3 1 Fly
4 1 Scissoring
5 1 Pirate
6 1 OCC Wall
7 1 Hift

Target Type

Ally damage cap (01 for normal damage, 02 for chip damage…)

Id Description
0x0 Target Type M
0x1 Target Type S
0x2 Target Type L

Shadow Size

Id Description
0x0 No shadow
0x1 Small shadow
0x2 Middle shadow
0x3 Large shadow
0x4 Small moving shadow
0x5 Middle moving shadow
0x6 Large moving shadow

Form (FM)

Controls which actions are possible in the command menu.

Id Description
0x00 Sora / Roxas
0x01 Valor Form
0x02 Wisdom Form
0x03 Limit Form
0x04 Master Form
0x05 Final Form
0x06 Anti Form
0x07 Lion King Sora
0x08 Atlantica Sora (Magic, Drive, Party and Limit commands are greyed out)
0x09 Sora on Carpet (Drive, Party and Limit commands are greyed out)
0x0A Roxas Dual-Wield
0x0B Default (used on Enemies)
0x0C Sora in Cube / Card Form