
This is a centralized place for the documentation and other discoveries about the internal working of Kingdom Hearts games.

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Kingdom Hearts II - ANB (Animation Binary)

ANB files are used by the game engine to animate a 3D model and trigger events in specific frames. They are used for both gameplay and cutscenes. All the gameplay ANB files are located inside MSET files in obj/, while for cutscenes they are located in anm/{WORLD}/{MODEL}/. Internally they are just BAR archives and for what it’s known the only two files that can be found in are motion data and effect data.

Motion data

This file is responsible of animating a 3D model. It comes in two forms, interpolated and RAW. Due to the bigger complexity of interpolated-type motion files, they will be documented in a separate document.

The game engine assumes that the maximum frame rate is 60; this is referred as Global Frame Rate (or GFR). But every motion can run at a different frame rate; this is referred as Local Frame Rate (or LFR).

The RAW animation type just takes an array of matrices for each frame and applies them to the bones of a model. It is a very cheap technique in terms of CPU usage, but it requires a big amount of memory.

Motion header

Like model files, the first 0x90 are reserved an always set to 00. Offsets and file size ignores the first 0x90. This document refers to the motion type 1, which is the RAW one. When the motion type is 0, the rest of the file after the header will be very different; refer to interpolated motion document.

Offset Type Description
0 int Type
4 int Subtype
8 int Extra Offset (Equal to size of motion)
12 int Extra Size

Motion Types

Types for the unknown extra data.

Channel Description
0 Interpolated
1 Raw

Motion Subtypes

Types for the unknown extra data.

Channel Description
0 Normal
1 Ignore Scale

Extra Types

Types for the unknown extra data.

Channel Description
0 Weapon Cns
1 Terminate

Raw motion header

This is located straight after the motion header.

Offset Type Description
0x00 int Bone count. Must match with the bone count of the model.
0x04 int[3] Reserved
0x10 int Frame count: Amount of GFR in a loop (FrameEnd - FrameLoop)
0x14 int Total Frame count, expressed in LFR
0x18 int Animation Matrix Offset
0x1c int Position Matrix Offset
0x20 vec4f Bounding Box minimum
0x30 vec4f Bounding Box maximum
0x40 float Frame start
0x44 float Frame end
0x48 float Frames per second, defines the LFR
0x4c float Frame return, expressed in LFR

Raw motion matrices

An array of array of 4x4 matrices (Matrix4x4[][]). The first dimension of the array refers to the total amount of frames, while the second dimension is the bone count. For each frame (LFR), the game engine takes BoneCount amount of Matrix4x4 and multiplies them to the mesh that corresponds to a specific bone.

Raw motion more matrices

This is optionally defined and its purpose is unknown. It is an array of 4x4 matrices (Matrix4x4[]), where the size of the array is equal to the bone count. For the few files that has been analysed, those matrices are always a Matrix Identity.

Motion Triggers

This file describe triggers that happens during a motion and it’s believed they are located into a different file to favour decoupling.

Motion Triggers structure

Amount Description
Single Header
Array Range Trigger count (Happens during X frames)
Array Frame Trigger count (Triggered on a specific frame)

Motion Trigger Header

Offset Variable Type Description
0 byte Range Trigger count
1 byte Frame Trigger count
2 short Frame Triggers offset

Range Trigger

Offset Variable Type Description
0 short Start frame
2 short End frame
4 byte Range Trigger ID
5 byte Param size as shorts
6 short[] Param

Frame Trigger

Offset Variable Type Description
0 short Trigger frame
2 byte Frame Trigger ID
3 byte Param size as shorts
4 short[] Param

Range Trigger list

Flag: The bitflag field position in memory from the MOTION object and the bit set, starting from 0.

ID Trigger Parameter Size Parameter Desc Flag Samples
0 STATE: Grounded 0   0x20: 2 B_EX210_EH - 00A; W_EX010_LK - L140
1 STATE: Air 0   0x20: 3 WM_CURSOR - 02A; B_EX130 - AM82_0010
2 STATE: Blend to idle 0   0x20: 4 P_WI030 - A010; B_EX100 - AM20_0140
3 STATE: No gravity 0   0x20: 5 B_AL100_ICE - AN72_0010; P_WI030 - A400
4 Enable collision 1 Collision group Id   B_AL020 - 40A; WM_SYMBOL_EH - 10A
5 Disable collision 1 Collision group Id   B_AL100_FIRE - 40A; WM_SYMBOL_EH - 10A
6 Enable conditional RC 2 Condition command?, Collision group Id   F_BB050 - 00A (Enables “Catch” after “Step Vault” is triggered)
7 Disable conditional RC 2 Condition command?, Collision group Id   ?
8 (Prints “using NO_DAMAGE_REACTION attribute”) (UNUSED?) 0     ?
9 STATE: Jump/Land 0   0x20: 9 B_CA010 - 03A; P_EX100_HTLF_BTL - 005A
10 Attack hitbox 2 Atkp entry Id, Collision group Id   B_AL020 - 50A; W_MU000_PIN - B330
11 STATE: Allow combo 0   0x20: 10 P_EX100 - A320; P_LM100 - M140
12 STATE: Weapon swing (Display trail) 0   0x20: 11 B_BB100 - AM10_0011; W_TR000 - A400
13 STATE: <unknown> 0   0x20: 15 B_AL020 - AP20_0010; P_CA000 - A402
14 STATE: Allow RC 0   0x20: 19 P_EX100 - A005; P_LK100 - L404
15 STATE: <unknown> (UNUSED?) 0   0x20: 16 ?
16 AI: Special movement 0   0xf8: 0 B_AL100_FIRE - 52A; W_EX010_ROXAS_LIGHT - 16B
17 AI: <unknown> (AI combo 1) 0   0xf8: 1 B_AL100_ICE - 57A; W_EX010_ROXAS_LIGHT - 16B
18 AI: <unknown> (AI combo 2) 0   0xf8: 2 B_AL100_ICE - 57A; W_EX010_ROXAS_LIGHT - 17B
19 AI: Disable invincibility 0   0xf8: 3 B_EX150 - 01A; W_EX010_ROXAS_LIGHT - 12B
20 Reaction Command (Self) 2 Command Id, Collision group Id   B_AL020 - AP20_0010; P_EX220 - A122
21 STATE: <unknown> 0   0x20: 18 B_EX120_HB - 54A; B_AL100_FIRE - AN70_0010
22 ACTION: Turn to target 1 Turn speed 0x28: 3 B_AL020 - 53A; WM_CURSOR - 10A
23 Texture animation 1 Animation Id (It is unknown where this points)   B_AL020 - 40A; P_WI030 - A221
24 STATE: No gravity, keep kinetics 1 Unknown, related to the movement 0x20: 6 B_EX170 - 52A; P_AL010 - 81A
25 STATE: AnmatrCommand (Reaction command on other object) 1 Command Id 0x20: 20 M_EX770 - AA31_0010
26 STATE: AnmatrCommand 2 1 Command Id 0x20: 21 P_EX220 - A122; B_BB110 - AM51_0010
27 STATE: Hitbox off (Can’t be hit) 0   0x20: 22 P_EX220 - A121; B_AL020 - AP20_0010
28 ACTION: Turn to lock 1 Turn speed 0x28: 3 P_LK100 - L401; B_EX150 - AN20_0010
29 STATE: Can’t leave ground 0   0x20: 23 B_CA010 - 80A; P_LK100 - L402
30 STATE: <unknown> (Freeze animation? Immovable?) 0   0x20: 24 P_EX350 - 51A; B_BB110 - AM51_0010
31 STATE: <unknown> 0   0x20: 25 B_CA050 - 54A; P_EX100_KH1F - K422
32 STATE: <unknown> 0   0x20: 26 B_HE030_RTN - R00A; P_WI030_RTN - R00A
33 Attack hitbox (Combo) 3 Atkp entry Id, Collision group Id, Combo Id   B_CA010 - 50A; W_HE000 - A400
34 STATE: <unknown> 0   0x20: 27 F_WI390 - AY15_0010
35 STATE: Allow combo (Magic) 1   0x20: 10 P_EX100 - A362; P_LK100 - L362
36 Pattern enable 1 Pattern Id   B_AL020 - 55A; P_EX130 - 53A
37 Pattern disable 1 Pattern Id   B_EX170_LAST - 00M; B_LK120 - 20A
38 STATE: Allow drop from on top 0   0x20: 28 B_LK120 - 03A; F_TT000 - 01A (Allows falling off TT’s train)
39 STATE: <unknown> 0   0x20: 29 B_BB110 - AM50_0010
40 STATE: <unknown> 0   0x20: 30 P_EX330 - 99A
41 STATE: Allow movement 0   0x20: 31 WM_CURSOR - 04A; B_EX220 - AP60_0010
42 PHYSICS: Keep momentum & restrict movement 0   0x24: 0 P_EX100 - A005; P_LK100 - L404
43 <NOT CODED> 1     B_BB100 - AM10_0010 (For some reason this is used here)
44 PHYSICS: Immovable by friction 0   0x24: 1 B_AL100_FIRE - 51A; P_LK100 - L404
45 ACTION: <unknown> 0   0x28: 0 P_AL010 - A811_0010
46 ACTION: <unknown> 0   0x28: 1 ?
47 ACTION: Rotate towards movement direction 0   0x28: 2 WM_CURSOR - 04A; B_EX220 - AP60_0010
48 <NOT CODED> -     -
49 ACTION: Maintain motion on ground leave 0   0x28: 4 P_LK030 - L400; B_AL020 - AP24_0010
50 ACTION: Allow combo finisher 0   0x28: 5 P_EX100 - A363; P_LK100 - L402
51 Play singleton sound effect 3 index (0/1), position, sound effect   F_PO090 - 00A; P_EX100_AL_CARPET - G002
52 ACTION: Stop actions 0   0x28: 6 N_EX500_BTL - 40A
53 ACTION: <unknown> 0   0x28: 7 P_LM100 - M141; P_LM100 - M142

Frame Trigger list

ID Trigger Parameter Size Parameter Desc Sample
0 Action: Jump 0   B_BB110 - 03A; P_WI030 - A003
1 Trigger effect caster (APDX) 1 Effect caster Id B_AL020 - 42A; W_EX010_ROXAS_LIGHT - 16B
2 Play footstep sound 2 (1 uint) Footstep sound Id P_WI030_MEMO - A001; B_AL100_ICE - AN72_0010
3 Action: Jump (Dusk) (animation in slot 628) 0   M_EX990 - 14A
4 Texture animation start 1 Animation Id (It is unknown where this points) M_EX350_01_MEMO - 00C
5 Texture animation stop (UNUSED?) 1 Animation Id (It is unknown where this points) ?
6 Use item 0   P_AL000 - A110; P_WI030 - A110
7 Game effect (Effects more complex than particle effects) 2 Effect Id?, ? B_AL020 - 50A; P_EX330 - 80A
8 Play sound effect (APDX) 4 Package Id, Sound Id, ?, ? B_AL020 - 50A; W_MU000_PIN - B330
9 VariousTrigger 1 0   B_AL020 - 50A; W_EX010_ROXAS_LIGHT - 10B (Fat Bandit flamethrower start)
10 VariousTrigger 2 0   B_BB120 - 41A; P_HE000 - A400 (Fat Bandit flamethrower end)
11 VariousTrigger 4 0   B_CA050 - 54A; P_EX130 - 52A
12 VariousTrigger 8 0   B_CA050 - 54A; F_EX040_SPARROW - A953
13 Play vsb voice 1/2 VSB Id 1 - B_HE030_ALL - 20A; B_HE030_ALL - 24A / 2 - B_AL020 - 40A; P_EX350 - 90A
14 Play vsb voice 1 VSB Id P_WI030 - A331; B_AL100_FIRE - AN70_0010
15 Turn to Target 1 Turn speed P_WI030 - A301; B_EX110 - 70A
16 <unknown> (DisableCommandTime) 1 ? P_LK100 - L403; F_WI360 - AX00_0010
17 Magic cast 1 Magic Id? P_EX100 - A362; P_LK100 - L362
18 <NOT CODED> -   -
19 Apply footstep effect (Footprint, water splashes…) 1 Footstep type Id P_LK100_MEMO - L000; B_BB100 - AM10_0010
20 <NOT CODED> -   -
21 Turn to lock on 1 Turn speed P_LK100 - L403; P_AL010 - A814_0010
22 Make the weapon appear 0   P_TR000 - A300
23 Fade start (Opacity decrease) 1 Frames to fade P_EX220 - A121; B_EX100 - 56A
24 Fade start (Opacity increase) 1 Frames to fade B_EX100 - 58A; F_EX040_SPARROW - A953
25 Calls a function from the entity’s pvTable 0   B_EX130 - 51A; F_WI060_PETE - 51A
26 Set mesh color to 0x808080 2 Part Id, Time (float) WM_SYMBOL_NM - 10A; B_EX100 - AM28_0140
27 Reset mesh color 2 Part Id, Time (float) WM_SYMBOL_NM - 10A; B_EX100 - AM28_0140
28 Revenge check 0   P_EX130 - 20A; B_AL100_FIRE - 20A
29 Make the weapon appear with effect 0   P_EH000 - A401; P_LK020 - L221
30 LIMIT: PlayVoice (UNUSED?) 1 Voice Id, Priority ?
31 Trigger vibration 1 Vibration type Id P_LK100 - L402; B_AL100_FIRE - 52A
32 <NOT CODED> -   -
33 <NOT CODED> -   -
34 Quick run check 0   P_EX100 - A180; P_EX100_KH1F - A180
35 Transition to fall if on air 0   P_EX100 - A180; P_EX100_KH1F - A180