Kingdom Hearts II - AI
The AI is always located into BAR archives (under the extension of MDLX, MAG, etc.). They are used as a scripting language, compiled into bytecode to comunicate with the game engine.
By courtesy of GovanifY, there is a fairly complete documentation of KH2 AI ISA available. This entire documentation is generated from his repository and it is considered the most up-to-date version.
File format
struct header {
char name[16];
s32 workSize;
s32 stackSize;
s32 termSize;
struct {
s32 trigger; // key
s32 entry; // pointer to code
} triggers[n];
s32 endTrigger; // 0
s32 endEntry; // 0
Memory spaces
wp (work memory pointer)
Single uninitialized memory space.
It is like .bss
.bss - Wikipedia
char table1[128];
char table2[128];
char table3[128];
void main() {
sp (stack memory pointer)
Single stack memory space.
Main usage: local variable storage of local function.
The allocation unit is always 4 bytes: DWORD (double word).
The fixed count of DWORD is allocated by caller, whenever the local function call is occurred.
will allocate DWORDs. Also 2 mandatory DWORDs (DWORD count, and ret addr) must be added.ret
will clean it up.
void func() {
int var1;
tp (temp memory pointer)
Single temporary memory space.
Main usage: function arguments, function return value, input/output storage, etc.
The allocation unit is always 4 bytes: DWORD (double word).
Many opcodes (like push, pop, unary and binary operators, conditional branch operators, arithmetic operators, and so on) use this memory space for input/output purpose.
As representative things, push*
and pop*
use this space.
will write a DWORD to tp
, and then tp
is increased by 4
will read a DWORD from tp
, and then tp
is decreased by 4
This is used to resolve input/output of function calls of both 2 patterns:
for external function calljal
for local function call
// 2 stack in
// 1 stack out
int func(int a, int b) {
return a + b;
void main() {
int res = func(123, 456);
Another usage is arithmetic operation.
pushImm 12
pushImm 3
div ; 12 ÷ 3 → 4
pushImm 4
sub ; 4 - 4 → 0
jnz fail
jmp pass
will consume 2 DWORDs, and produce 1 DWORD.jnz
will consume 1 DWORD, and produce no DWORD.
Single bdx
data memory space starting at 16th byte.
pointer is always doubled by 2 when it is accessed. So referenced data must be aligned on 2 byte alignment.
pointer and pc
(program counter) share same format.
This is used to resolve:
- Having C style string like
char text[] = "hello";
- Having pre initialized table like
struct { ... };
- Having some kind of integer array like
int jumpTable[] = {0, ...};
static char text[] = "hello";
void main() {
Opcode cheat sheet
code | old | new name | description |
0,0,x | pushImm | push | push int32 |
0,1,x | pushImmf | push.s | push single |
0,2,0 | pushFromPSp | push.sp | push sp + int16 |
0,2,1 | pushFromPWp | push.wp | push wp + int16 |
0,2,2 | pushFromPSpVal | push.sp.d | push *sp + int16 |
0,2,3 | pushFromPAi | | push bd + int16 |
0,3,0 | pushFromFSp | push.d.sp | push *( sp + int16) |
0,3,1 | pushFromFWp | push.d.wp | push *( wp + int16) |
0,3,2 | pushFromFSpVal | push.d.sp.d | push *(*sp + int16) |
0,3,3 | pushFromFAi | | push *( bd + int16) |
1,x,0 | popToSp | pop.sp | pop *( sp + int16) |
1,x,1 | popToWp | pop.wp | pop *( wp + int16) |
1,x,2 | popToSpVal | pop.sp.d | pop *(*sp + int16) |
1,x,3 | popToAi | | pop *( bd + int16) |
2,x,0 | memcpyToSp | memcpy.sp | memcpy to ( sp + int16) |
2,x,1 | memcpyToWp | memcpy.wp | memcpy to ( wp + int16) |
2,x,2 | memcpyToSpVal | memcpy.sp.d | memcpy to (*sp + int16) |
2,x,3 | memcpyToSpAi | | memcpy to ( bd + int16) |
3,x,x | fetchValue | push.d.pop | push *( pop() + int16) |
4,x,x | memcpy | generic memcpy | |
5,0,0 | citf | cvt.w.s | int to float (convert word to single) |
5,0,2 | neg | 1 to -1, -1 to 1 | |
5,0,3 | inv | not | bitwise not |
5,0,4 | eqz | seqz | set 1 if: equal to 0 |
5,0,5 | abs | get absolute integer (negative to positive) | |
5,0,6 | msb | sltz | set 1 if: less than 0 (negative) |
5,0,7 | info | slez | set 1 if: less than or equal to 0 (negative and zero) |
5,0,8 | eqz | seqz | set 1 if: equal to 0 |
5,0,9 | neqz | snez | set 1 if: not equal to 0 |
5,0,10 | msbi | sgez | set 1 if: greater than or equal to 0 (zero and positive) |
5,0,11 | ipos | sgtz | set 1 if: greater than 0 (positive) |
5,1,1 | cfti | cvt.s.w | float to int (convert single to word) |
5,1,2 | negf | neg.s | 1.0 to -1.0, -1.0 to 1.0 |
5,1,5 | absf | abs.s | get absolute float (negative to positive) |
5,1,6 | infzf | sltz.s | set 1 if: less than 0 (negative) |
5,1,7 | infoezf | slez.s | set 1 if: less than or equal to 0 (negative and zero) |
5,1,8 | eqzf | seqz.s | set 1 if: equal to 0 |
5,1,9 | neqzf | snez.s | set 1 if: not equal to 0 |
5,1,10 | supoezf | sgez.s | set 1 if: greater than or equal to 0 (zero and positive) |
5,1,11 | supzf | sgtz.s | set 1 if: greater than 0 (positive) |
6,0,0 | add | push a; push b; (a + b) |
6,0,1 | sub | push a; push b; (a - b) |
6,0,2 | mul | push a; push b; (a * b) |
6,0,3 | div | push a; push b; (a / b) |
6,0,4 | mod | push a; push b; (a % b) |
6,0,5 | and | Bitwise and | |
6,0,6 | or | Bitwise or | |
6,0,7 | xor | Bitwise xor | |
6,0,8 | sll | Shift left logical (unsigned) | |
6,0,9 | sra | Shift right arithmetic (signed) | |
6,0,10 | eqzv | land | push a; push b; (a && b) |
6,0,11 | neqzv | lor | push a; push b; (a \|\| b) |
6,1,0 | addf | add.s | push a; push b; (a + b) float |
6,1,1 | subf | sub.s | push a; push b; (a - b) float |
6,1,2 | mulf | mul.s | push a; push b; (a * b) float |
6,1,3 | divf | div.s | push a; push b; (a + b) float |
6,1,4 | modf | mod.s | push a; push b; (a % b) float |
7,x,0 | jmp | b | branch unconditionally |
7,x,1 | jz | beqz | branch if zero |
7,x,2 | jnz | bnez | branch if non-zero |
8,x,x | gosub | jal | local function call (16-bit address) |
9,x,0 | halt | halt | |
9,x,1 | exit | exit | |
9,x,2 | ret | ret | |
9,x,3 | drop | drop one value from tp |
9,x,5 | dup | duplicate one value at tp |
9,x,6 | sin | sin | |
9,x,7 | cos | cos | |
9,x,8 | degr | radian to degree: value / PI * 180.0 |
9,x,9 | radd | degree to radian: value / 180.0 * PI |
10,x,x | syscall | syscall | |
11,x,x | gosub32 | jal32 | local function call (32-bit address) |
is short of.dereference.
. It is shorten for optimization in case of keyboard typing.- For example
, it reads from left to right as English grammar does. A reading example is: push dereferenced value of (sp + imm16)
Reading of comparators
Comparator | Reading |
EQZ | x == 0 |
GEZ | x >= 0 |
GTZ | x > 0 |
LEZ | x <= 0 |
LTZ | x < 0 |
NEZ | x != 0 |