
This is a centralized place for the documentation and other discoveries about the internal working of Kingdom Hearts games.

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Kingdom Hearts III Battle Quotes

Battle quotes are the voice clips played when a character engages in battle. The files are located in subfolders at:

/Game/Sound/VOICE/Localization/{Language Code}/battle/

Their type is SQEXSEADSoundBank or SQEXSEADSound.


PC - Player Character




Audio Nr. Quote Note
000 “Donald” Healing (Items, Cure)
001 “Goofy” Healing (Items, Cure)
002 “Herc” Healing (Items, Cure)
003 “Woody” Healing (Items, Cure)
004 “Buzz” Healing (Items, Cure)
005 “Jack” Healing (Items, Cure)
006 “Rapunzel” Healing (Items, Cure)
007 “Flynn” Healing (Items, Cure)
008 “Eugene” Healing (Items, Cure)
009 “Sulley” Healing (Items, Cure)
010 “Mike” Healing (Items, Cure)
011 “Baymax” Healing (Items, Cure)
012 “Riku” Healing (Items, Cure)
013 “Your Majesty” Healing (Items, Cure)
014 “Kairi” Healing (Items, Cure)
015 “Xion” Healing (Items, Cure)
016 “Roxas” Healing (Items, Cure)
017 “Lea” Healing (Items, Cure)
018 “Axel” Healing (Items, Cure)
019 “Ven” Healing (Items, Cure)
020 “Aqua” Healing (Items, Cure)
021 “Hang on” Healing (Items, Cure)
022 “I gotcha” Healing (Items, Cure)
023 <Pain Grunt> Being damaged
024 <Pain Grunt> Being damaged
025 <Pain Grunt> Being damaged
026 <Pain Grunt> Being damaged
027 <Pain Grunt> Being damaged
028 <Pain Grunt> Being damaged
029 <Pain Grunt> Being damaged
030 <Pain Grunt> Being damaged
031 <Pain Grunt> Being damaged
032 <Pain Grunt> Being damaged
033 <Scream> Dying
034 <Scream> Dying
035 <Scream> Dying
036 “No, it can’t be” Dying
037 “Oh, no way” Dying
038 “I can’t give up” Dying
039 <Scream> Dying
040 <Scream> Dying
041 “Oh man” Dying
042 “(hah)” Keyblade Attacks
043 “(gyeh)” Keyblade Attacks
044 “(hmm)” Keyblade Attacks
045 “(hoh)” Combo Modifier
046 “(wuh)” Keyblade Attacks
047 “(hih)” Keyblade Attacks
048 “(hyah)” Combo Modifier
049 “(taah)” Combo Finisher
050 “(aaah)” Combo Finisher
051 “(hyyeh)” Combo Finisher
052 “(gyah)” Combo Finisher
053 “(yahh)” Keyblade Attacks
054 “(hueh)” Combo Finisher
055 “(hyah)” Combo Modifier
056 “It’s over” Keyblade Attacks
057 “See ya” Keyblade Attacks
058 “Take this” Keyblade Attacks
059 “So long” Keyblade Attacks
060 “Haha” Keyblade Attacks
061 “Back off” Keyblade Attacks
062 “Come on” Keyblade Attacks
063 “You’re through” Keyblade Attacks
064 “(haah)” Keyblade Attacks
065 “Here we go” Form Change
066 “There” Form Change
067 “Try this” Form Change
068 “Light” Keyblade Attacks
069 “Go” Keyblade Attacks
070 “Gotcha” Keyblade Attacks
071 “Later!”  
072 “Yes”  
073 “Ready”  
074 “Charge”  
075 “Gimme” Keyblade Attacks
076 “Got em” Keyblade Attacks
077 “Heal” Magic
078 “Fire” Magic
079 “Blaze” Magic
080 “Freeze” Magic
081 “Blizzard” Magic
082 “Thunder” Magic
083 “Strike” Magic
084 “Wind” Magic
085 “Storm” Magic
086 “Gather” Magic
087 “Drift” Magic
088 “Stream” Magic
089 “Water” Magic
090 “Thank you” Being healed
091 “Thanks” Being healed
092 “Wooh, that was close” Being healed
093 “It’s not over”  
094 “Back in it”  
095 “(hep)” Movement (blocking, dodging)
096 “(gya)” Movement (blocking, dodging)
097 “(hop)” Movement (blocking, dodging)
098 “(hyap)” Movement (blocking, dodging)
099 “(eh)” Movement (blocking, dodging)
100 “(jah)” Movement (blocking, dodging)
101 “(hup ah)”  
102 “(hoh)”  
103 “(hoop ohh)”  
104 “(woaaahh)”  
105 “(woohoh)”  
106 “(uhwow)”  
107 <Grunt>  
108 <Grunt>  
109 <Grunt>  
110 <Grunt>  
111 <Grunt>  
112 <Grunt>  
113 <Grunt>  
114 “Nice try!” Block Reprisal
115 “Back at cha” Block Reprisal
116 “over here” Block Reprisal
117 “yeah” Healing (Items, Cure)
118 “Nice!” Healing (Items, Cure)
119 <Grunt> Status - Sleep
120 <Grunt> Status - Sleep
121 <Grunt> Status - Sleep
122 “(achoo)” Status - Freezing
123 <sneezing> Status - Freezing
124 <sneezing> Status - Freezing
125 <Grunt> Status - Burning
126 <Grunt> Status - Burning
127 <Grunt> Status - Burning
128 “(uhhoohh)”  
129 “I call winds” Carribean?
130 “I call flames” Carribean?
131 “It ends here” Carribean?
132 “Let’s do this” Carribean?
133 “Hear my call” Carribean?
134 “Go!” Carribean?
135 “Woohoo” Carribean?
136 “Yeah” Carribean?
137 “Fire!” Carribean?
138 “Get em!” Carribean?
139 “Take this!” Carribean?
140 “Canons!” Carribean?
141 <Pain Grunt> Carribean?
142 “Woah” Carribean?
143 “Alright” Carribean?
144 “Here we go” Carribean?
145 “Full Speed” Carribean?
146 “Defense” Carribean?
147 <Surprised Scream>  
148 <Pain Grunt>  
149 “What was that?”  
150 <Pain Grunt>  
151 <Surprised Grunt>  
152 <Surprised Grunt>  
153 “Oh no” Dying
154 “No the ship” Dying in Carribean
155 “How could this happen” Dying
156 “Woah”  
157 “Yes!”  
158 <Grunt>  
159 “Huh”  
160 “Nice”  
161 <Grunt>  
162 <Attack Grunt>  
163 <Attack Grunt>  
164 “See ya!” Classic Tone Formchange
165 “Take this!” Classic Tone Formchange
166 “Haha” Classic Tone Formchange
167 “Back off” Classic Tone Formchange
168 “Here we go” Classic Tone Formchange
169 “Change” Classic Tone Formchange
170 “Later!” Classic Tone Formchange
171 “Let’s do this, Riku!” Re:Mind
172 “Ready your Majesty?” Re:Mind
173 “Ven! Aqua! Come one!” Re:Mind
174 “Roxas! Xion! You’re up!” Re:Mind
175 “Riku! Your Majesty! Let’s go!” Re:Mind
176 “Guys, let’s go!” Re:Mind
177 “Are both of you ready?” Re:Mind
178 “I gotta dig deeper!” Re:Mind
179 “It’s not over yet!” Re:Mind

To top



Audio Nr. Quote Note
000 “Mickey” Healing (Items, Cure)
001 “Sora” Healing (Items, Cure)
002 “You alright?” Healing (Items, Cure)
003 “Be more careful” Healing (Items, Cure)
004 “I will be your oblivion”  
005 “Back to the shadows, Ansem”  
006 “Not Good”  
007 “Stay in this”  
008 <Pain Grunt> Being damaged
009 <Pain Grunt> Being damaged
010 “Ouch” Being damaged
011 <Pain Grunt> Being damaged
012 <Pain Grunt> Being damaged
013 <Pain Grunt> Being damaged
014 <Pain Grunt> Being damaged
015 <Pain Grunt> Being damaged
016 <Pain Grunt> Being damaged
017 <Pain Grunt> Being damaged
018 <Scream> Dying
019 <Scream> Dying
020 “No, ugh” Dying
021 “Why now?” Dying
022 “(hah)” Attack
023 “(yah)” Attack
024 “(huah)” Attack
025 “(hooh)” Attack
026 “(heh)” Attack
027 “(rah)” Attack
028 “(hrah)” Attack
029 “(hyah)” Attack
030 “(yaah)” Attack
031 “(hyeh)” Attack
032 “(urah)” Attack
033 “(hurah)” Attack
034 “Sorry”  
035 “You’re done”  
036 “Gotcha”  
037 “Bye”  
038 “Take this”  
039 “Heal” Magic
040 “Fire” Magic
041 “Burn” Magic
042 “Thunder” Magic
043 “Strike” Magic
044 “Thanks” Being healed
045 “Perfect” Being healed
046 “(hup)”  
047 “(hyeh)”  
048 “(ooh)”  
049 “(huh)”  
050 “(haih)”  
051 <Grunt>  
052 <Grunt>  
053 “huogh”  
054 “yes”  
055 <Grunt>  
056 <Grunt>  
057 <Grunt> Attack with Mickey
058 <Grunt> Attack with Mickey
059 “Gotcha” Attack with Mickey
060 “Bye” Attack with Mickey

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Audio Nr. Quote Note
000 “Strike” Magic
001 “Thunder” Magic
002 “Heh”  
003 “Yep”  
004 <Grunt>  
005 <Grunt>  
006 “Okay” Healing (Items, Cure)
007 <Grunt> Healing (Items, Cure)
008 <Pain Grunt> Being damaged
009 <Pain Grunt> Being damaged
010 <Pain Grunt> Being damaged
011 <Pain Grunt> Being damaged
012 <Pain Grunt> Being damaged
013 <Pain Grunt> Being damaged
014 <Pain Grunt> Being damaged
015 <Pain Grunt> Being damaged
016 <Pain Grunt> Being damaged
017 <Pain Grunt> Being damaged
018 <Scream> Dying
019 <Scream> Dying
020 “I can’t give up” Dying
021 “Is this the end?” Dying
022 “(huyh)” Attack
023 “(heyh)” Attack
024 “(huih)” Attack
025 “(yah)” Attack
026 “(hah)” Attack
027 “(rah)” Attack
028 “(aah)” Attack
029 “(haih)” Attack
030 “Farewell”  
031 “You’re done”  
032 “Come on”  
033 “Enough”  
034 “Go”  
035 “Gotcha”  
036 “That’s it”  
037 “Okay”  
038 “How’s this”  
039 “It ends now”  
040 “Heal” Magic
041 “Fire” Magic
042 “Burn” Magic
043 “Ice” Magic
044 “Freeze” Magic
045 “Sora” Healing (Items, Cure)
046 “Ven” Healing (Items, Cure)
047 “Haste yourself” Healing (Items, Cure)
048 “Hold on” Healing (Items, Cure)
049 “Thank you” Being healed
050 “Owe you one” Being healed
051 “Thanks” Being healed
052 “I’m in trouble”  
053 “No”  
054 “You will release my friend’s heart  
055 “Stay there”  

To top





Audio Nr. Quote Note
000 “Enjoy” Attacking
001 “Surrender” Attacking
002 “Dark Times ahead” Desperation Move (DM)
003 “Don’t let him escape” Attacking
004 “Break him” Attacking
005 “Join the shadows” Attacking
006 “Over here”  
007 <Pain Grunt> Being damaged
008 “No” Being damaged
009 “Enough”  
010 “Chain”  
011 “Nice”  
012 “That’s it”  
013 “Are you happy now?”  
014 “How’s that?”  
015 <Pain Grunt> Being damaged
016 <Pain Grunt> Being damaged
017 <Pain Grunt> Being damaged
018 <Pain Grunt> Being damaged
019 <Pain Grunt> Being damaged
020 “What?”  
021 <Pain Grunt> Being damaged
022 <Attack Grunt>  
023 <Attack Grunt>  
024 “Come one” Attacking
025 <Attack Grunt>  
026 <Attack Grunt>  
027 <Attack Grunt>  
028 <Attack Grunt>  
029 <Attack Grunt>  

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Audio Nr. Quote Note
000 <strike sounds>  
001 “To the Void”  
002 “No More”  
003 “Erase”  
004 “Burst”  
005 “There”  
006 “Strike”  
007 “Anger and Hatred reign supreme”  
008 “Feel the Emptiness”  
009 “Insolence”  
010 <hurt sounds> Damage taken
011 <hurt sounds> Damage taken
012 <hurt sounds> Damage taken
013 <hurt sounds> Damage taken
014 <hurt sounds> Damage taken
015 <hurt sounds> Damage taken
016 “Are you Ready”  
017 “Grovel”  
018 “Pay Attention”  
019 “Begone”  
020 <strike sounds>  
021 <strike sounds>  
022 ? Fails to extract.
023 “No Escape”  
024 “Leaving?”  
025 “No”  

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