
This is a centralized place for the documentation and other discoveries about the internal working of Kingdom Hearts games.

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Kingdom Hearts II

SCD Format

SCD stands for Sound Container Data.

This file is a container for many related sounds.

Offset Type Description
0x0 char[8] File identifier, always SEDBSSCF. which stands for Sound Environment DataBase ? ? ? ?
0x8 uint32 File version, always 3.
0xC uint8 Endianness (0 = LE, 1 = BE)
0xD uint8 SSCF version. Always 0x400.
0xE uint16 Header Size
0x10 uint32 Total File Size
0x14 uint32[7] Padding

Table Offset Header

Offset Type Description
0x0 uint16 Table 0 Offset Size
0x2 uint16 Size of Sound Entry Offset Table; this corresponds to the number of sounds within the SCD.
0x4 uint16 Table 2 Offset Size
0x6 uint16 Unknown
0x8 int32 Offset to Table 0
0xC int32 Sound Entry Table Offset
0x10 int32 Offset to Table 2
0x14 int32 Unknown
0x18 int32 Unknown Offset; must be the same offset as the first offset found in Table 2.
0x1C int32 Padding

Immediately after Table Offset Header is another table of offsets, not pointed to in the header. </br> This table of offsets points to offsets that map sounds in the SCD to ID numbers used by the game.</br> The size of this table seems to be determined by Table 0 Offset Size.</br> This is referred to here as a Sound Mapping Table. </br>

Sound Mapping Table

| Offset | Type | Description |——–|——-|———— | 0x0 | uint8 | Unknown; seems to be set to 1 if a sound effect is mapped, and 0 if not? | 0x1 | uint8 | Unknown; seems to be set to 2 if a sound effect is mapped, and 1 if not? | 0x2 | uint8 | Unknown | 0x3 | uint8 | Unknown | 0x4 | uint16 | Unknown | 0x6 | uint16 | Unknown | 0x8 | float | Volume to play at | 0xC | int32 | Sound Effect: Index in Game | 0x10 | int16 | Sound Effect: Index in SCD? | 0x12 | int16 | Sound Effect: Index in SCD

This table has entries of two different sizes, 0x10 and 0x14. </br> An example of this can be seen with how se999 loads its sound effects. While se999 only has 96 sound effects found inside</br> on both PC and PS2, it uses indexes up to 154, with some indexes like 60 through 70 being left blank. </br> Dummy entries that are only 0x10 long are used to pad sound effect indexes between numbers that are used and have sounds in the SCD for them.</br> Otherwise, entries that are 0x14 long are used where the last 4 bytes are used to map sounds in the SCD to the specified index.

Table 0

First entry seems to be 0x58 long. </br> All entries after seem to be 0x62 long. </br>

Sound Entry Table

| Offset | Type | Description |——–|——-|———— | 0x0 | Unknown[0x4F] | Unknown | 0x50 | uint32 | Audio Length (in ms) | 0x54 | uint32 | Unknown

Most data seems to be identical here, except for 0x50. </br> That int determines how long to play the sound effect for in-game, before cutting the audio off. </br>

Stream (pointed to by SoundEntry Table)

| Offset | Type | Description |——–|——-|———— | 0x0 | uint32 | Stream Size | 0x4 | uint32 | Channel Count | 0x8 | uint32 | Sample Rate | 0xC | uint32 | Codec | 0x10 | uint32 | Loop Start | 0x14 | uint32 | Loop End | 0x18 | uint32 | Extra Data Size | 0x1C | uint32 | Auxiliary Chunk Count | 0x20 | uint8[StreamSize] | Data

Table 2

Entries are 0x80 long.