
This is a centralized place for the documentation and other discoveries about the internal working of Kingdom Hearts games.

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Offset Length Type Name
0x0 16 SPspDataTime AddHistoryTime
0x10 4 uint32 resultTime
0x14 1 byte content
0x15 1 byte result
0x16 1 byte mode
0x17 1 byte details
0x18 2 int16 detailsParam0
0x1A 2 int16 detailsParam1
0x1C 2 uint16 medal
0x1E 1 byte neckNameID0
0x1F 1 byte neckNameID1
0x20 1 byte neckNameID2
0x21 1 byte neckNameID3
0x22 1 byte neckNameID4
0x23 1 char dummy


Offset Length Type Name
0x0 1900 char[50][38] nickName
0x76C 50 char[50] nickNameRef
0x79E 1 char historyNum
0x79F 1 char historyNowIndex
0x7A0 360 NetGamehistoryData[10] historyData


| Offset | Length | Type | Name |——–|——–|——–|—– | 0x0 | 2 | uint16 | year | 0x2 | 2 | uint16 | month | 0x4 | 2 | uint16 | day | 0x6 | 2 | uint16 | hour | 0x8 | 2 | uint16 | minute | 0xA | 2 | uint16 | second | 0xC | 4 | uint32 | microsecond